Chapter 9

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Aguni hears a gunshot as he was ripping a whole cheetah apart with his bare hands, "Not bad after losing a bit of muscle" says Hayami

Hayami's POV

Blood dripped as Aguni ripped the cheetah with his bare hands. 

"The game has ended"

Aguni's heavy breathing could be heard even if I was 10 meters away from him, "Don't shoot through anything if someone you don't want to shoot is behind it" Aguni grunted "I'm sorry" I replied

"You should go. I'll get you tomorrow. You won't be near Niragi don't worry" Aguni assured me as I nodded and ran outside to the side of the fence where I left the duffle bag.

I entered my car and opened the bag to find the map with the exact coordinates where Henry told me to go, and drove off there.

Aguni's POV

"Look! that girl has a car!" pointed one of my militia "LET'S FOLLOW IT!" proposed Niragi, to which I slapped the back of both their heads and said "No one is going anywhere following who or what. I'll be the one to get her tomorrow"

"As if you know where she'll be, psh" scoffed Niragi. Bombastic side eye. "I know a lot of things, Niragi. Don't make me rip your head off" I threatened, to which thankfully Niragi's egotistic self put his hands in the air and backed off smirking "Okay grandpa" grandpa...If Hayami weren't so kind I would've killed you years ago.

I told my militia to jump in the car, and drove back to the beach.


Kuina's POV

"You needed me, Hatter? I entered Hatter's chamber to see him with a girl on his lap "You came here faster than I expected" Hatter said. I sat myself down on the couch in front of him as he asks everyone else to leave the room oh boy, is this the time to tell him i'm trans-

"I'm not here to fuck you, Kuina. I called you to ask if the Music room is okay" Hatter clarified. My body eased up but as I was supposed to answer Aguni barged in the room shouting "I FOUND HER, HATTER", "Perfect timing Aguni" replied hatter as he stood up and opened his arms. 

"I called Kuina here to ask if the ballet room was done! Is it done Kuina?","It has basic instruments like a ukulele, a guitar and a piano, so I'm guessing it is?" Hatter took off his shades and started chewing on one of the arms, deep in thought This man I swear I do not want to bring a whole ass drum set  "Not quite done. Get someone to put a bed in that room. Preferably the largest ones we have. Also, would you be so dear to go find tape recorders, its machinery and maybe a few different clothes? You can bring Seung Hyun with you!" Hatter asked, This bitch I swear- I "sure, no problem" I said against my will. The doors opened to a familiar muscular feminine energy which startled even Aguni.

"DID SOMEONE JUST DEAD NAME ME? Oh. my. god. IT'S YUNA!! I LITERALLY CAN'T. Criminally offensive side-eye Mr. Hatter. Of course I'd love to shop with Kuina for this new girly of ours! Kuina is so gorj to try clothes on!" Yuna dramatically entered. "Okay, my apologies Yuna. Be back before sun down tomorrow. Okay?" Hatter told us, to which Yuna squeeled and left the room. I walked out the door, or atleast I tried, but hatter stopped me in my tracks to say "Oh, and one last thing Kuina, could you ask Chishiya to assess her tomorrow? She should be here by mid-day" I nodded and gave him half a smile and left to do just that.

Hayami's POV

Hayami's POV

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I read the letter whilst leaning against the blue shed, tears dropping on the paper

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I read the letter whilst leaning against the blue shed, tears dropping on the paper. I turned and hit my head on the shed and slid down till i crouched.

The idea of my dad cheating on my mom was something I would never have entertained; the reason why I was neglected was cause they were always on vacation together 

But the fact that my mother had a miscarriage due to my dad's infidelities break me. Chichi was wrong, I would rather have had him raise me than have two absent parents. 

Knowing all this made me want to kill myself right then and there. I did not have anything to live for in this world; I entered the blue shed wondering why he told me to go here just to see all our pictures on the walls hanging on twine along with all the other decorations I would've loved as a 13 year old.

The shed was enough for one person to stand in, so it wasn't spacious, but it was cozy enough for me to walk into and close the door behind me. I sat there, on the dusty wooden floor, my mind filling with what ifs.

though sitting here at 3 in the morning felt safe, I needed to go back to the safe house, Aguni will be looking for me. 

I took all the pictures in the shed and gently placed it in my bag; Ruffles from behind the bushes were made. I could feel that someone is there. I got in my car and drove away as fast as I could not looking back to face what horror could've been stalking me; a bear? a raccoon? or worst, a person?!?!? I don't wanna think about that.

Hana's POV

While spying on Hayami, one of the beach member's that was sent with me stepped on a twig fuck 

I think Hayami noticed it and got frightened. So she hopped in the car and drove away. "Great" I sighed and got out of the bushes. "I'm really sorry I didn't know there was a twig there, I-","Tatta, It's fine. I don't even want to stalk her, but Hatter's and Aguni's wishes I guess" I reassured him.

"Just get in the car, I'll see if the shed has anything we might need" I told him and walked to the shed. she left the door open I hope she doesn't leave anything else open, or she's chicken dinner. I peeked into the shed to find that she forgot to take what seemed to be a package hidden by the ceiling.

"She's heading back to city-centre. She left a package in the shed" I spoke to the radio that Aguni gave me "Take the package back and Inspect it with Ann. Thanks Hana, you're done for the night. You can come back to the beach. I'll see her tomorrow" 

Hayami's POV

I just finished a bottle of jack, I'm really dizzy, my place is a mess, I'm a mess, everything is a mess. I could barely pick myself up to clean the mess I made.shit the marker I forgot to mark my house. I took the red wrapper of the ramen I just ate and sloppily placed it on my door. 

Took a purple ribbon and walked in a very straight line to the post just by the entrance of the alley where my safe house is and tied the metallic purple ribbon similar to the ribbon they tie to wrap those birthday cakes you get. The journey back to the house felt weirdly far, and I think I had too much to drink so I fell asleep face first right then and there. 




also, what do you guys think will happen next chapter? I actually limited my words to 1.2k-1.5k a little over or less per chapter!

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