Chapter 5

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Hayami's POV:

Tonight i play another game. The arena was just near my safe house where i'm staying at....well, the nearest arena i found was like a kilometer away so it's still pretty far from me.

But anyways, this arena was in nations theme park. The nostalgia i'm getting from this is tear jerking, It was the place where i'd spend my time with my parents as a kid before things got busy. But let's scratch that.

I entered the gate to the theme park and looked at the 2 other players that were waiting for more players to join the game.

"3 registered players. Registration will close in 5 minutes" The familiar robotic message chimed. Though that isn't what i came here for. The other two players were distant and didn't talk nor stood near each other so i assumed that they just, Didn't know each other.

"Can i ask what visas are? I mean i understand that back in the real world visas get you to other countries but-" , "It's your life. The amount of days you could rest before playing another game" the man cuts me off and looked ahead to see a group of 3 people walking into the spot where we were and each took a phone.

Don't think of me as a creep but i stared at the motion of their hand as they took a phone kept it in their pockets and noticed that they all had locker bracelets, One you would usually get from a resort. Why though?

"6 registered players, Registration will close in 1 minute" the phone dings, Then comes a loud sigh from a girl that was wearing a Gakushuin University's uniform and to no mistake it was Princess Aiko, The one and only daughter of the Japanese Emperor. I was about to bow when the guy beside me (who i asked the visas from) tugged on my shirt "Your Highness" i greeted and bowed my head at an angle as she came closer to the table and took the last remaining phone.

"Registration is now closed. The game will now commence." announced, as everyone went on a move leaving the Princess alone. Though, I salute how she keeps her cool even though most girls her age would've freaked out or atleast acted out as i did, She just followed the other guy from earliee while i followed the guy that tugged on my shirt.

"Game, Earth Invasion. Game difficulty; 9 of hearts

Rules: The game is played in 6 rounds

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Rules: The game is played in 6 rounds. Each round is given 10 minutes. Upon the time limit, the whole venue will be invaded by 'Aliens' once per round. In order to survive the Alien invasion, The player must hide in the refuge pod before the time limit of that round. A player who cannot enter the refuge pod will face Alien invasion and it means Game over for that player. Each pod has a maximum capacity. There are 7 phones, Each phone displays 6 life cards and 1 death card and 6 avatars representing 7 individuals minus the phone holder. Drag the card icon to the avatar to give that card to the Individual.Recieving a death card will nullify one life card recieved"

I looked at the phone and got the game quickly as it's a famous game for kids to play. But, The problem is, Refuge pods are all different in terms of looks, How am i supposed to- "The refuge pods are silver metal capsules" the guy that tugged me awhile ago interrupted. Can't this guy even let me FINISH my sentences??? Geez.

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