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Aguni's POV

I'm currently driving through the city with another group of my militia, on the lookout for a purple ribbon tied to a post. We've been searching for over an hour but vowed to myself that the day won't end till she's in my care.

"We found the purple ribbon boss. You might want to come here quick. The place is on the same block as Hat-Danma beside a ramen place" Chimed my radio.


 "We're on our way"


The car took a halt when Aguni stepped out to run to where my militia was standing. There lies a girl face first on the floor.

 God no..this can't be

"She's breathing, but she seems intoxicated. She reeks of alcohol" thank buddha.

"bring her to the car, be careful with her" Aguni ordered part of the militia he was with who were women as he went down the alley to find a door gaping.

 The place was a safe house, but trashed. Aguni inspected the place to find what he could bring back to the beach and to bring most of Hayami's belongings.

 Aguni came to find some supplies, four generators and some of Hayami's clothes in the closet

 "Boss what are we gonna do with the car"

  ah, I forgot about that  "Radio more militia at the beach. We need more people, there's more generators in here than we could carry. Leave the car and the girl to me"


Hayami's POV

I woke up in a vaguely familiar room that smells of bamboos or freshly dry-cleaned towels. My vision was so blurry all i could rely on was my sense of smell.

my heart stopped seeing two blurry figures, i tried to push myself up but instead fell on one of the figures' lap and puked last night's activities. 

Third Person's POV

"Gross" Chishiya said, lifting Hayami's half conscious body back up on the bed, "I just washed those" Kuina sighed, and walked out the room to find fresh sheets and something to clean Hayami up with.

As if in an instant, Hayami sobered up and backed off to the other edge of the bed and fell. "YOU-" Hayami pointed at Chishiya and launched herself at him.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY SHIFTS I COVERED FOR YOU? I AM SO, FUCKING DONE WITH YOU" She screams. Yuna walks in with a cart filled with snacks and food that could last until dinner, "what's THIS?" Yuna starts, gesturing to the whole Hayami-on-top-of-Chishiya scene.

"This IDIOT over here left me covering his shifts for weeks, which felt like MONTHS" Hayami explained and slapped Chishiya on the cheek to which Chishiya held his hand next to. "That's a skin abrasion, Ami" Chishiya said, thinking it would guilt her even just a drop because of the oath she took before she became a surgical resident

"And I'll do it again" Hayami hissed and got off Chishiya.

"Wait, so you know each other?" Yuna asked, confused "He's my senior resident at the hospital" Hayami explains as Chishiya helps himself stand up, placing his hands in the pockets of his Jackets

A moment of akward silence occupied the air, which now smells like puke.

"Ew" Yuna breaks "I'll leave this here" she motions to the snack-filled cart, "and I'll be on my merry way! It stinks here, you need to shower, babe" Yuna finishes, and closes the door on her way out.

Hayami stared at the door, and then into Chishiya's eyes.

She felt something in her stomach and Chishiya could sense it. Hayami barfed once again, leaving Chishiya in disgust, as her body crashed on the floor from fatigue

Kuina enters the room as she was greeted with what seems to smell like alchohol, stomach acid and food. She carefully placed down the fresh sheets she brought on the vanity and sighed. "Come on" she starts, walking closely to Hayami who just barfed and fainted, "I'll help you bring her to the tub, but that's as much as I'm helping" she told Chishiya.

While Kuina held Hayami's ankles, Chishiya held Hayami's arms; "On the count of three"



"Thr- oh fucking she is HEAVY" Kuina said between breaths, "The weight distribution is off, she's usually lighter than this" Chishiya explains as they both dropped her in the tub. "Dead weight" Chishiya says.

"If she needs anything that isn't related to smelling this bad, call me" Kuina says, and leaves.

As Kuina was walking out the door, Niragi was outside walking past it. Kuina held her breath, surprised Niragi was even in that hallway.

"What are you doing here" Kuina asks, Niragi catches a glimpse of the puke covered sheets and an open bathroom door by the reflections of the mirrors in the room, "I might as well wonder why you're here" Niragi hisses back and turns his body to face Kuina.

Chishiya overhears this, walks out the bathroom and stood beside Kuina, blocking mostly any part of the room from Niragi's field of vision, "She's with me" Chishiya answers. Niragi in turn eyes both Chishiya and Kuina up and down, Kuina first, then Chishiya; giving Chishiya a suggestive smirk.

"You could do better, Soft boy" Niragi teases, and walks away from the two, and as if tension from the air was released, the two tried to breathe deep.

"He can't be here" Chishiya says, with Kuina turning her body to him, "I'll tell hatter, but I won't be back. Lock the doors" Kuina says as she leaves, with Chishiya following her orders and proceeding to clean Hayami and her mess up.


"I'm sorry" Hayami starts, while her eyes adjusted to the yellowish tone of the light bulbs in the bathroom; the sound of running water and droplets as Chishiya cleaning her up with a towelette echoes the room like some cave.

"For what?" Chishiya replies, switching from Hayami's right arm, to her left, cleaning the mix of probably Hayami's last meal. "For vomiting on you" Hayami continues.

Chishiya moved up Hayami's arm, revealing her family motif. "You should hide that" Chishiya replies as he gets up from crouching and washes the towelette on the sink. "I also think we're even now considering you projectile vomitted all over me and Kuina".

Hayami stands up and turns off the bath faucet, and walks into the hotel room, her eyes widening at the scene of Kuina mopping the floor and Yuna in drag. "Oh my god I am so sorry" She apologizes.

"It's nothing baby!" Yuna starts, "Besides, no one else is allowed to clean this room or come in here without hatter's permission. Oh, and I'm also not helping baby girl Kuina here cause I have a show to run at the bar. You should come by!" she ends.

This perks Hayami as "Hatter" was a familiar nickname, but at the same time she fails to point where she heard that. "She can't " A girl in a bob with red lipstick on suddenly enters the room.

"Not tonight atleast, Hatter wants me to examine her and report any damages on her body" The girl continues.

Ann places her medical kit on the bed and instructs Hayami to take her shirt off and lay down. "I'm sorry, are you the Doctor?" Hayami asks.

"If Doctoring dead bodies count, then yes, yes I am the Doctor" Ann replies, gloving herself. "Oh she's joking honey, she was a Forensic Scientist for the Tokyo Metropolitan police before she came here" Yuna explains.

"Yeah and I was a man" Kuina drops out of nowhere, exiting the room with the mop and rolling bucket. What? 


IM ALIVE. pls comment on this I miss you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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