Prologue - Chapter 2 - Battle for Justice

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7 years ago...


*huff, puff...*

"Hey are you sure about this, you train endlessly just to fight me." the man said.

"Not until I beat the hell out of you..." the boy said while getting exhausted from fighting the man.

The boy was no other than Collins who was 6 years old and the man was his father.

"How can I become stronger if I can't beat you, I spent the whole weekend training from day to night, and now im still a weak Low Spirit who does nothing but avoid the strong ones and watch everyone else getting harmed by those who think are strong," he said as he wipes the blood on his mouth.

"Collins..." his father said with a worried expression.

"Come on!" he shouted as he could to make his father fight him again.

His father has no choice but to fight his own son again.

*A few hours later...*


'Heh, you made it Collins' his father thought as he gets punched in the face by Collins.

Collins makes a finishing blow by kicking his father's face as hard as he could.

His father was lying on the ground.

"Huff.... puff... i... did..." Collins started to lose consciousness and then...


"it... Father." he completely lost his consciousness and he was now lying on the floor.

He cried, after 2 years, he finally did it, he beat his father.

'Best day ever...' he thought as he finally closes his eyes.

*Back at the present*

At the school's backyard - 7: 10 am.




"WAH!" Collins freaked out like hell and immediately punches the person who called him.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN, IT'S ME!" the person said in a masculine voice.

"Ah crap... don't freak me out, dude." Collins lets go of his punch as the guy rubs the part where he got punched.

The guy has short black hair and dark red eyes with red-rimmed glasses, he wears the same uniform as Collins.

"I shouldn't have freaked you out," the guy said.

"You shouldn't, Takisato" he responds to the guy named Takisato.

'This is Takisato Mori, he's my best friend in my elementary days'

'He's one year older than me and he's considered as the smartest student in my class back in elementary days'

'He has the ability to charge any weapon using his own energy to boost all of the weapons stats, he can even make barriers to block any attack or use it as a platform to reach high places'

'I should say he's in the same class as me.'

For now, Collins is sleeping under a giant tree, the place where some students can hang out or just chilling on their own.

"Hanging out on a big tree is kinda relaxing," Takisato said as he adjusted his glasses.

"You just only go there because you are reading a manga," Collins said as he pointed out the manga Takisato is holding.

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