Act 2 - Chapter 4 - Unlikely Ally

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Collins and Chisa was now wandering around this place.

'I wonder how she will react when she sees Risa' he question in thought.

Chisa started to hum one of Mio Aserton's song.

"Are you a fan of Mio?" Collins asked.

"Yes, it's my stress reliever yknow" she answered.

'My only stress reliever is to look up on otaku stuff, listening to music or just walk around and relax' he thought.

"Man all of the work i got from being the Student Council member is stressful" he said.

"Which position you were assigned with?" Collins asked.

"Secretary" she replied.

"Man why do you even joined them in the first place" he said while playing with his gun.

"Remember Chief Mayori?" she asked him.

"You mean your father?" he replied.

"I wanted to succeed his place as a police chief, Collins"

"I have to join the Student Council in order to know what responsibilities i will face so i can use my own tactics when i became the chief police officer" she explains the reason.

"Also i wanted to learn what it's like to have a better leadership plus how to deal with paperwork." she added.

"That's pretty good since paperwork is the first thing you will do." he agreed.

"I wonder if you can find your team" she wonders.

"Great they will scold me for going alone thanks to that chase." Collins groan after all he went through.

Both of them decided to take a break because of their fight earlier.

They found an empty bench nearby and both of them sat the bench.

Collins decided to sleep for a while before walking again.

Back at Risa...

"I think this is where he landed" Satori pointed out the place where Collins crashland.

"Good grief, i'll give him a scolding about HOW TO STAY TOGETHER!" Risa shouted.

The 2 males gave her a blank stare.

"Never gonna give you u-" Takisato tried to sing but was smacked on the head by Risa.

"STOP.THOSE.RICKROLLS SENPAI!" she warned him with an evil aura.

Takisato freaked out after sensing her dark aura.

This made Satori chuckle because he tried to warn him not to Rickroll them but he did it anyway.

Satori noticed a figure resting on a bench.

"Guys, wait" he gestured them to stop and not long after, they saw someone resting on a bench.

"Someone was resting" Takisato mutters.

"Guess i know who will rest more often" Risa confirmed it but not the other two.

She decided to check it out immediately.

"RISA CHAN, YOU MIGHT GET AMBUSHED IF YOU GO THERE!" the senpai tried to warn her but no avail.

As soon Risa checked the bench, she was right, it was Collins who rested on a bench.

"TOLD YA IT WAS COLLINS!" she shouted.

"No traps or signs of ambushed, i think it's safe now" Satori confirmed it.

Both of them goes to Risa.

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