Act 5 - Chapter 1 - Chaos Answers

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Tower City News Department, 5th Floor...

No one's POV...

(Battle Royale OST from The God of High School start)

The news crew, Takisato, and Satori began running in the 5th-floor halls.

"Why are we going to the fifth floor?!" Takisato shouted

"Remember what Akari said, those guys were outside so we can't just leave the building and call the police for help" Satori explained.

"Our last resort is going to the security room on the 7th floor where the emergency telephone was located, it was designed to be immune to EMP using the good ol' two-way radio," one of the crews said.

A group of cloaked figures appeared right in front of them, armed with various weapons.

"Crap-" the other crew was about to get sliced in half but they were saved by Satori, who uses his sword to block its attacks. He throws a large shuriken at the group and they failed to dodge on time as they ended up getting sliced

Satori dusted off his clothes "Save those words for later, we have some other things to do" he said.

"Let's get moving," the cameraman told the crew and they began to move.

They began running while killing the cloaked enemies along the way, Satori and Takisato inspect the hallways to see if there's any traps before they continue to move.

When they reached the stairway, the crew looked behind them to see many groups of cloaked figures charging at them.

"We need to hold these guys off while we take the stairs," the cameraman said.

"I'll hold them off" Takisato summoned his dual machetes "But I need some little help since Im not good at going solo"

Half of the crew members looked at each other and volunteered to help him as long as they can.

"We can't just keep running away as a coward would do, we'll join too," one of them said,

"The others will go there first while we catch up," another crew said.

"Heh, just do your best to hold them off" he smirked and readies his weapons "Satori, we'll catch up with you once we're done here"

"Just don't die Takisato" the ones who didn't volunteer start climbing the stairs "Good luck" he leaves and catches up to them.

"Everyone!" the glasses boy shouted "Let's give our best!"

"YEAH!" the volunteers said in unison.

The cloaked figures began appearing on every side of the hall, preparing to take their Aura Spirits.

"Let's do this!" he screamed as the figures charged at them.

Takisato hoped that they will be able to make it.

Tower City News Department, 9th Floor...

No one's POV...

The Ace Breaker, Risa, and Ayumi race against time as the portal gets stronger as time passes.

Collins, Nageru, and Carmen lead the way while fending off their enemies, Matsumi, Akari, and Risa did the dirty work of clearing the enemies that attack from behind, Ayumi stays with the group to act as a light source.

"Sh#t the portal expands even further" Carmen cursed.

"How many floors are left before we reach the top floor?!" Matsumi complained loudly.

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