Itsy Bitsy Spider

853 15 21

Tw: alcohol abuse, main character death, Schlatt (he needs his own warning)

The Itsy Bitsy Spider climbed up the water spout

Schlatt stood at the top of Punz’s tower, looking over Manburg. A final battle was about to commence over his great nation. Pogtopia trying to take it back and the overlying threat that it would be blown up if it didn’t go Wilbur’s way. 

Wilbur had been such a great leader for this nation, why had he decided to challenge that? His nation wouldn’t be threatened to be destroyed, wouldn’t have people challenging his power every chance they got, but then again people loved Wilbur. They didn’t love Schlatt. Maybe that was his own fault, no, it was definitely his own fault. But he hoped to change that.

Downed all the beer to drown the voices out

‘Look at this mess, you caused this.’

“Yeah I did,” he murmured as he studied the messy streets and unkempt houses.

‘It will be so much better once it’s gone.’

“That’s not how this is gonna go,” he took a drink from his beer bottle, hoping to at least dull the voice.

‘Hm, I think it is. You’re an alcoholic who tried to kill a child that had been nothing but loyal to you. You used unnecessary force in places that didn’t even need it. You exiled two very important people for no reason other than you knew they would challenge your opinions. Who does that sound like?’

“Sounds like me, baby,” he claimed triumphantly, obviously not getting the point as he chugged the last bit of his bottle and pulled out another.

‘Yeah, because you did that. The villain of the story did that.’

Schlatt stopped mid drink, choking slightly, “If you ever insinuate that being the villain in their history books is my fault, I will make sure you see the afterlife well before you want to,” He took another drink, hoping the alcohol would drown out the voice before it made him actually think about his actions.

‘Do you know what happened to villains Schlatt? They don’t win! They never do! You can fight wars with the best knights on your side, but if you're the villain then you’ll lose. That’s how the story goes.’

Schlatt shook his head, clearing his throat, “No, I’m gonna win. Then after I’ll fix my mistakes. Manburg can be great, I just need to apologise and make sure I do it right this time.” He just needed a second chance.

‘You’re nation will be gone if you win.’

Schlatt downed the whole bottle, setting it next to his other empty, and pulled out yet another, finally able to silence the voice, “I’ll have nothing either way.”

Out came the sun and brought back all the pain

Less than thirty minutes of fighting commenced after his short conversation with his inner voice. Schlatt had hidden inside of the original camper van, where everything had started according to the small amount of history he had access to. 

In a blink of an eye, he found himself surrounded by faceless people with guns as he continued to drink his life away. He was slouched against the back wall, one of the faceless people speaking to him as he looked beyond the crowd and to the window. The most beautiful sunrise he had ever seen was there. All of the dusty pinks and pastel purples fading into the light blues as puffy white clouds started to scatter themselves about the sky.

He admired it as he heard himself say something, pain taking over his body with every drink he took. His chest ached as he thought about how he was truly losing, he wasn’t going to get to rebuild the nation and apologize like he had wanted to. But then it all stopped as the faceless people melted away, feeling himself fall, he accepted it, but he never hit the ground.

‘I told you you would lose’

He opened his eyes to see he has sitting in the same position, sloughed against the back wall of the camper van. All of the people surrounding him had horrified faces as they looked at him. He was stunned for a moment.

“What? What happened?” He asked the closest person to him, which happened to be Tommy. He got up and walked over to him, waving a hand in front of the boy’s face, “Hello, your president is speaking to you.”

As he didn’t get a response, he turned to find Tubbo, only to see his body lying against the floor. Dead. He froze as he looked at it. He must have stood there for a good few minutes, because he was brought out of his trance by TNT exploding.

“You wanna be a hero Tommy?” Schlatt walked out of the van to see Techno spawning Withers. “Then die like one!” He examined his great nation, torn to shreds by TNT and Withers. People who were bleeding and looked as if they shouldn’t be able to stand were battling it out over the broken land. Everything looking so much worse than what could have been.

He sighed and walked away, hoping he was able to find something alcoholic to drink in the dead world.

So the Itsy Bitsy Spider went out to drink again

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