chapter one

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   Seth a sense bored one could say it had been roughly 7 years since everything with the Cullen's had happened, and since he had been a part of Jacobs pack with his sister Leah, embry and quil. But that wasn't enough for him. He wanted something more, something exciting that killed this...dark and rather violent side to him that he had been hiding. But no doubt the mind reader Edward could tell yet never said anything to the others. He's tried talking to the young wolf but everything through one ear and out the other with him. So that's how Seth found himself deep in the woods, somewhere between the treaty line yet close to the ocean by the smell of the salt water. He came to a wall of twisting branches and trees until he found a small opening and easily slipped through. Once through he was met with an almost fairy tale like wooded area, tall lush green grass, wildflowers everywhere, a few oak trees stood. There was a large lake that let out into the ocean by a trail a few miles out. And finally, he came to a cozy two story cottage that had a modern design like the Cullen's yet very different.

"who the hell are you?" he heard a soft feminine yet wary voice call out and was met with the most vividly amazing ocean blue eyes. "a shifter huh? Lemme guess you're a part of one of the packs that live in this area?" she asked. Her hand came to rest on his head gently rubbing his fur "so soft..." she muttered. "well, it's a warm Sunday in June" she let a grin play upon her delicate face "let's go for a swim~" she said stripping to just her bra and panties and running towards the lake. Seth inwardly chuckled at her childlike personality before going over to the lake. "your fur's grew your hair, out didn't you?" she asked raking her fingers through his sandy colored fur 'it felt weird having short hair. Long hair has always been a Native American culture its who we are. Plus...I loved my long hair even if it was only shoulder length' she heard his thoughts and smiled "I bet you're such a cutie with long hair" she said. Seth was surprised 'you can read my mind?' he asked "not exactly reading your mind. I can just hear your thoughts when you answer my questions or when you answer or speak to me in general" she explained "my name's Olivia technically olivianna warren. What's your name?" 'Seth clearwater'. A small smile crossed her lips "Seth huh?.... clearwater...why does that sound familiar?" she muttered the last part, but he heard yet didn't say anything.

They lounged around a bit idly swimming in the water before getting out, Olivia let out a laugh as Seth shook his giant sopping wet body, flinging water everywhere "Seth! I'm supposed to be drying off not you getting me more wet with water" she said pouting only for Seth to let out a laughing noise "oh laugh it up ya mutt" she said playfully glaring at him. They laid up under one of the larger oak trees that had long branches and plenty of shade and a cool comfortable breeze. "for it to be summer especially in June...the weather is nice. Especially when it decides to rain. I like to sit out on my balcony with a good book or a cup of earl grey and just relax." Olivia said looking up at the sky "there's a festival in Sapporo Hokkaido in japan. Do you want to go?" 'but we're not even in japan and to get there would take hours' Seth was a bit confused especially at seeing her smirking face "hold on wolf boy.... ya just might die! ~"

"okay one how did we do that? What are you? Who are you? And how did you force me to phase back?" Seth asked confused as to how they were currently in Hokkaido, Sapporo in the Ishikari subprefecture. "if I told ya then I would have to kill ya~" Olivia said "my uncle owns a hot springs and inn so we can stay there, oh and here" Seth was caught off guard as she pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss "there. You should be able to understand and speak as well as read and write the language" "did..did you just kiss me like how starfire kissed robin so she could understand earths language?" Olivia coyly smiled "using a teen titans reference are we now Seth?". They came to the inn that her uncle owned "oya taichi you in here?" Olivia asked "your voice is not the first thing that I want to hear right now oli" a male voice said groaning. Taichi was a young man about 25 messy black hair with a few strands falling into his eyes which were a pale blue color. "dumbass don't stay out drinking all night with ieyasu and shoji and you won't be a hungover piece of shit" Olivia said "fuck off brat" taichi said then got a look at Seth "the fuck gonna kill this one too? My inn is not your personal one stop murder station" Olivia laughed "if I was going to kill him, I wouldn't come to this piece of shit place. But no this is Seth clearwater and we're here for the summer festival at odori park. And while we're at it we'll stop by Nishioka park as well. So, we're sightseeing" she said. Seth could tell they had a good albeit rather playfully insulting relationship "so what he your boyfriend or something? Didn't think you were into dogs after that human got himself turned into a leech and married that blonde". Olivia's whole demeanor changed an unpleasant frown upon her face "that bastard can rot in the lowest level of hell there is, his body dismembered and buried all over the seven continents" she said "and no. he isn't my boyfriend. Though I think he imprinted on me". Seth's eyes widened a bit "you knew?" he asked "well yeah.... Seth do you still think I'm human?" she asked "well not anymore since we basically teleported 4,276 miles across the north Pacific Ocean, and you can hear what I'm saying in wolf form and you just starfire kissed me. So, no I know for a fact that you aren't human and I'm guessing neither is taichi" Seth said. "and a smart one really outdid yourself with this one kid." Taichi said handing her a room key "keep the room in one piece this time and the blood out of the hot springs and bath, or I'll make you pay for it this time" he said.

The summer festival was in full swing people everywhere, laughing children running around, multiple vendors and game stalls were set up as well. Olivia was dressed in a maroon-colored yukata with a gold obi the sleeves were long with gold stitching and a white butterfly pattern. Seth was dressed in a plain navy-blue yukata with a gold obi. "Seth!" Olivia came up to him holding a plate with dango on it she had a kitsune mask on her head "umebaki has the best dango here try one" she handed him a stick with the treat on it. Taking a bit Seth made a noise of approval "its good, actually having authentic Japanese food is the best" he said "yup it really is! ~" she said. Throughout the day, Seth pretty much let Olivia drag him to different vendors and stalls they even took a few selfies, uploading them to Instagram and Facebook. Towards the end of the day the two were just idly walking the path at Nishioka park, the sun beginning to set "I really had fun today Seth. Actually, it's the first time I've gone without killing at least a person or two and devouring their souls." Olivia said "I'm really glad you brought me here Olivia. I've never once in 7 years left La Push let alone the state of Washington so this was an amazing experience" Seth said. Olivia suddenly stopped walking "oli?" Seth was worried he did something wrong "oli what's wrong?" he asked " imprinted on me I'm clearly not human, nor am I a shifter or a vampire. But what I am and what this means you can't go back to whatever pack you were a part of. Imprinting on me is like a bond for life and eternity is a long time" she said "is this because you're half and angel and half demon? And by angel that part of you is a death god?" Seth asked "you...taichi told you, didn't he?" "yeah, he's a demon too on of the seven sins. He explained it to me. We're basically bound together though it'll have to be solidified. But he also explained that I'll no longer be a shifter but a hellhound and gain some demon like tendencies. He also asked if I was willing to go through all that. To cut all ties with both packs to live out the rest of my life while I remain the same and everyone around me continues to age and eventually die". Olivia's gaze was cast down, she had only known him not even a full day and she didn't want to hear his rejection "I said all that didn't matter because I wanted to be with you. And not because of the imprinting but because I myself genuinely want to." He grabbed one of her hands lacing their fingers together while his other hand ran his fingers though her hair "you wanna go and find some poor drunken bastard to kill?" Olivia asked shyly. Seth only grinned tilted her chin up with his index finger "I thought you'd never ask".

So! That is the first chapter, the characters mostly Seth are going to be probably ooc and that's intentional cause who doesn't love a good boy turned bad? Any who like comment share vote and let me know what yall think and stay tuned for the next chapter.

Ta~ta lovelies! 

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