chapter five

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Olivia and seth were about to leave and head back to her home in the woods, when nessie called out to them "wait! Olivia won't you stay for a bit? Emmett would tell me a lot about you and I've always wanted to meet you" she said. "I don't think that would be the best. Plus I tend to have a short temper with people who piss me off and they never live long enough to apologize" olivia said. "babe you've also been known to just behead people and put them back together after a few days when you get pissed off, or you tend to forget" seth said. "really? I do that?" she thought for a minute then laughed "oh yeah...I buried August all over London before and forgot about him for a whole year. He was pissed for months about that". "how about this seth comes back to the pack and we can all move on from this" Jacob said. "you don't get it do you?" seth asked "I'm not coming back to the pack. Ever. Besides I can't anyways. I'm not even a shifter I'm a hell hound now and bound to olivia. I like my life the way it is now" he said. "you can't be serious seth you've only known this chick for what a month close to two months and you're just going to throw everything away? How many people have you murdered just for the hell of it?" Jacob was angry and couldn't understand how and why seth would choose this life. Seth only chuckled "you don't want to know the answer to that won't like the number" he said "and this is my choice not yours or for you to tell me what to do. I'm sick of all this vampire drama bullshit and frankly I was getting bored with you all and wanted something different, something new to fuel my rather dark and twisted personality".

"this is all your fault! You changed seth. He wasn't like this 7 years ago!" Jacob yelled at olivia, who only laughed "can you not see past your own selfishness? Or are you really that stupid? The only thing I did to seth was the binding. He imprinted on me. Everything he's done has been of his own free will and trust me I've given him plenty of times to leave even going as far as to push him away...but he's stubborn and pushy as hell and made the choice to stay with me, to be with me and put up with my behavior and personality and to learn more about me, what I am, wessen history. I didn't ask for him to do any of this." Olivia was pissed and seriously DID NOT like Jacob AT ALL "I didn't ask to be imprinted on and I had no plans on falling for seth or anyone for that matter but he...he's pushy and stubborn and doesn't know when to give up and accepted me for me, and I didn't ask for any of it but here he is and it'll be a cold day in hell before I ever let you take him from me" she didn't realize that she was crying until seth pointed it out "oli baby you're crying' he said causing her eyes to widen and she instantly vanished. "Arthur, Jason, Lydia go do your collections" seth said to the three "is oli going to be okay? She hasn't cried in almost 70 years" Lydia asked "I'm sure she'll be okay liddy. That's why I'm going to go find her." He reassured the little girl, and the three of them left. "seth I-" "Jacob. Fuck you." Seth glared at the older male "everything I've done and all my choices have been of my own free will. The only thing olivia's guilty of is making me fall for her without her even trying. If you make her cry again I WILL kill you" he said leaving. "great. Now that jake pissed off seth and olivia they'll probably head back to japan and never visit. Ever." Leah said "hell jake! Did you ever stop to consider seths feelings or even bothered to ask how he was with all of this? When jared said seth had murderous thoughts and Edward couldn't even get through to him I knew something was up. Even his personality change over the past seven years or did you have your head so far up nessie's ass that you were blind and ignorant to everything else?". Leah left to go follow after her brother and see if everything was alright and embry went with her. "I think its best if you aren't at the reservation when seth and olivia do decide to come visit least be nowhere in sight cause I'm pretty sure she will kill you on spot" sam said.

Seth found olivia back in the meadow they first met, she was sitting up under the largest oak tree, her head in her knees which were pulled up to her chest. His nose booped her on the side of his head as he let out a small whine and curled around her smaller frame as he heard her sniffles. Leah and embry soon came but didn't get too close due to the warning growl that came from her brother who they almost didn't recognize; his sandy brown fur was longer and had a darker carmine (shade of red) tint to it. His usually warm brown eyes had hints of bright gold flecks in them as well. They also noticed that in his human form his hair had the same carmine red highlights and he also had the same two inked rings going around both his wrists. "you know. The reason I tried pushing you away seth..." olivia spoke "was because I was scared of falling in love with another person. My mother well you know that my father is lucifer and my mother the angel of death. Well he basically wanted a child that would be powerful enough to make even god fear it, he kidnapped, tortured, and raped my mother and not all in that order, and I was the product of the outcome, to make matters even worse that was his sister so imagine how fucked in the head that made her to know that she had given birth to a child that she did not want and that was conceived by rape from her own brother?" seth, leah, and embry listened to what olivia was saying not realizing how she was even created "my mother...well she wasn't the best or the most loving and tried to kill me more times than I could count and when I wouldn't just die she dropped me off at the shadiest illegal orphanage that she could find. Of course when father found out he killed her and tried his best at finding me, when he did the damage had already been set". Olivia recalled the many times she cried asking her mother why she did all those cruel things called her all those names, she remembered going to her older brother satan a broken and empty child asking why she was alive and if no one truly loved her. "what about when you met Emmett?" seth asked "Emmett? It took a while for me to fully trust him. He was like you in a way pushy, stubborn, didn't know when to quit. Pretty sure I've bit him multiple times as well, yet he just kept coming back and trying to be my friend until I finally gave in." olivia said "do you still love him?" that was the question seth was most afraid to hear but olivia didn't hesitate in her answer "no. the thing about me seth....once you lose that trust its extremely rare that you'll ever get it back. I don't forgive easily and I sure as hell don't forget" she said. "I'm sure you're both hungry, lets go bug the shit outta taichi"

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