chapter three

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     Olivia woke up the next morning with a groan as usual plus she was more sore than the last time "good morning sleepy head" she heard seth's morning voice and a smile crossed her lips. She felt his lips at her jaw, going down her neck and onto her shoulder "get up oli we have work to do and taichi is downstairs" he said earning a groan from the petite woman "sore...sleepy" she whined causing him to chuckle "well we did go at it again once you regained consciousness" seth was now kissing at her hip nipping lightly at the exposed skin "as much as I want you here in bed to take you all over again, we need to get up. You have a meeting with the council and they're all downstairs". Upon hearing that, olivia quickly shot up "WAIT!!! ALL my uncles father are the same room??!" with speed seth's snever seen before she was in and out of the bathroom and fully dressed and downstairs, only to hear yelling afterwards.

Once seth was done with his shower and fully dressed he came downstairs to see olivia being restrained by tachi and two other men while a male was being held back by another "fucking hell you bitch! You stabbed me" the male yelled. He was about 25 messy shoulder length black hair and green eyes, the one holding him back was his identical twin only with spiky hair "I'll do more than stab ya! C'mon ren lemme gouge out a eye, or rip that fuckin' tongue outta yer mouth!" olivia yelled "ren did you have to go and piss her off?" the male holding ren back asked "the fuck kai?! I didn't think the fucking psycho would flip her shit" ren said. "oli baby calm down" seth said pulling her into his arm "but seth" olivia protested but gulped when she felt a sharp tug of her hair "now. Olivia" his tone left no room for argument as she obeyed him. "never thought I'd see the day when litte anna would be tamed and dominated by an alpha" another male said patting seth on the back "names Jackson but you can just call me jacks, devil of greed. Let me introduce you that's lucifer or karla he's oli's father and the devil of pride. Then we got levi or leviathan devil of envy, rowan over here oli's twin is satan the devil of wrath. You already know taichi or asmodeus devil of lust and then last but not least we have the twins Beelzebub or ren devil of gluttony and Belphegor or kai devil of sloth" Jackson explained "seth clearwater, you guys must all make up the council right? Olivia and taichi explained it to me" seth asked "that's correct. Its nice to see that my daughter actually settled down on someone and not that fucking human...even if he is a leech" karla said "we don't need to mention his name. lets just get this all over with and try not to kill each other...rowan" olivia said looking over at her twin "what? I said I was sorry" rowan said scowling "yeah after oli forced ya" taichi said "don't you have some poor human to be seducing right about now tai?" "oh you little-" "ENOUGH!" olivia yelled feeling irritated and she was hungry and still sleepy "lets just get this shit over with so you all can get the hell outta my house" she said. "first off....lets address the elephant in the room..."ren looked over at seth "since when the hell did oli get a boyfriend?" he asked "we started dating a month ago when I met him in the woods back in Washington." olivia said "and you're okay with her dating a former shifter now turned hell hound karla?". Karla sighed already annoyed "she can date whoever she wants to as long as its not a human" he said.

Their meeting ran on for about a good hour or so, currently there was a new coven in forks and they were causing quite the mess that the cullens are trying to deal with. "what does Carlisle hope to accomplish? August will never drink animal blood. They guys a fucking pain in the ass" taichi asked "has marcus been told? Not that I don't trust aro, which I don't I just don't like him" olivia asked "because the vampire alice who sees visions aro doesn't want to make a move and requested that we the council deal with it" rowan said. "what do you think seth?". Seth had basic knowledge of the council and wessen law and he was still learning "from what I understand if the wessen that cannont be controlled or dealt with by the higher ups in their own species then the council will be involved and more than likely the wessen is eradicated" he said. Karla smirked "and he's a fast learner...I like him even more now oli" he said making her blush "well oli. What's your verdict?" Jackson asked "let the order do the investigation and they'll get back with me on if its even worth coming back to the states" olivia said "the black order huh? They haven't gotten together like that since the 1800s" levi said. Olivia giggled "it'll give my puppies a good exercise and they can have some fun and hunt down those that are on the list for collection all this month" she said

With the cullens and the new coven and the packs

"Are you out of your mind!?" sam yelled looking at the cullens leader Carlisle "they're going around killing people and not making their existence a secret" jared said. "and its only about time before they hear about it". Bella looked confused "who? The volturi?" she asked "no. not the volturi...the council and when this happens...they send...them....the black order" Emmett said "ah~ so he's not an idiot after all ey Jason?" a male voice said "not at all artie...though I can say our master has better tastes and she picked good" another male voice Jason said. "ne~ oli gave us a lets do it" the voice of a little girl spoke "who are you?" bella asked "tch. Didn't he just explain or are your ears clogged girl?" another female voice asked "c'mon Maggie no need to be all serious right now" Jason said "lets just have them explain to us what's going on and then we can go from there". Four people appeared two males and two females "shit..." Emmett cursed "emmy!~ its so good to see you again" the little girl said hugging the tall male "you..too..lydia...hows olivia doing?" Emmett asked, he was truly terrified of two things this little girl and olivia. Lydia giggled "like I would tell you~" her " narrowed "you hurt miss oli and I will never forgive you for that..." the cheerful tone in her voice was completely gone as she clutched onto the stuffed bunny with X's for eyes and a stitched mouth "she..gave that to you? That was the stuffed bunny that I made her" Emmett said only to receive a glare from the little girl "well its mine now oli gave out to me and you can't have it!" Arthur smirked "you're still in love with her aren't you? I wouldn't blame you. She was your childhood best friend, first love and the love of your life...she was also your first in everything". Emmett clinched his fist knowing that Arthur was right, he was still in love with olivia but he has Rosalie and he was happy...right? Edward could hear his brothers thoughts and for the first time didn't know how to help him. How do you help someone with their former lover when said former lover hates their very existence?

Maggie cleared her throat "anyways lets get moving with this investigation Sam Uley am I correct? You are the alpha of the pack?" she asked "yes. How do you know my name?" sam asked "I'm a grim reaper and lady olivianna's right hand and second in command of the reaper core. So I know everything there is to know about you" she said. "now tell me what is going on?". Sam explained how the cullens came across this new coven who were going around killing humans and not even trying to hide the fact that they are vampires. "that sounds like something august would do just to piss off olivia" Jason said "he's doing this just to piss her off?" paul asked "from what I understand they had an off and on relationship which usually resulted in them trying to kill one another. It was just a carnal lust for each other no feelings whatsoever but he does have a soft spot for her and she won't kill him" he explained "what do you think liddy? Should we call down the big boss to deal with her ex-lover?" Lydia giggled "I haven't seen oli in a while now since her and seth are always busy" she said "alright mags you heard the up the big boss" Jason said causing Maggie to sigh "you just don't want to be chewed out by your master...go find this coven and we will meet back at this field since its right in the middle of this...treaty line." She said "oh and Carlisle if you try and run or pull any shit...." Maggie licked her lips and she cruely smiled "I will enjoy ripping you to pieces and hearing you scream~"

Aaaaaannnnnnddddddd that! Ladies and gentlemen wraps up chapter three, I apologize for it being so short. What will happen now that olivia and seth will be coming back to Washington? Will Emmett ever truly be forgiven? Will there be a full on blood bath? Who know! Stay tuned for the next chapter

Ta-ta my lovelies~

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