chapter two

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[Side notes: bold italics is seths wolf talking

Italics is the wolf pack using their thoughts/Edward reading minds

Regular bold is when olivia goes dark mode lol idk also she is half japanse and half American due to the regions she lived in so shes developed a kansai accent

Also again all twilight characters belong to stephanie meyer and I only own olivia and any other characters I may create]

"Has anyone seen seth?" Jacob asked once he returned to La Push "no, wasn't he with you last?" embry asked "I thought he was with leah" quil said. Leah frowned not knowing where her little brother was he had been missing for a whole month and not one person noticed "how did not one of you guys notice that seth was missing for a whole ass month?" Emily asked in disbelief at the boys single mindedness. "He's in japan" kim said swiping through her Instagram "He's what?!" jared took her phone and swiped through the pictures and sure enough seth was posting pictures of places he's been "he was at a summer festival in Hokkaido last month and he's been to chitose, Tokyo, Shinjuku, shibuya, Kyoto, kyushuu, and now he's back in yokohama." He said. "what the hell?! Seths living it up in japan? Since when did he even leave?" paul asked "hey who's the girl in all the photos? They look pretty close?" Rachel asked. Jacob took the phone next and looked at the girl "she looks familiar like I've seen a picture of her somewhere...did he imprint on her?" he spoke. All the while renesmee looked at the girl in the pictures "that's uncle emmetts' ex-fiancé back when he was human. When he was mauled by that bear and turned by that time he had already met Rosalie and Carlisle told him he couldn't see olivia because he was a newborn. But he watched her from the sidelines grieving his supposed death" nessie explained "but then she found out what happened and well....from what I was told it didn't end very well and she despises him or at the very least moved on from it and just doesn't care for his existence anymore."

Nessie frowned "he hurt her bad from what he's told me about her she has trust issues and a very misconstrued perception of what love is because of her terrible childhood. I get it really I do. I just wish I could've met her she was the love of his life and I think he still care for her, he'll always care for her". Leah frowned as well knowing how that felt "so she's a vampire like him?" she asked "no. she's not human that's for sure. That's definitely the same woman no doubt, but Emmett doesn't even know what she is" nessie said. "so seth basically ran off to japan with some random woman he may or may not have imprinted on? Great how do we go about getting him back?" Jacob asked a bit annoyed "uh Jacob....i don't think seth may want to come back." Embry said. They all looked at him "haven't you noticed how he's been recently? More withdrawn, he skips patrols, he's moodier, aggressive, and I'm pretty sure I've heard his dark and murderous thoughts before. He's not the same seth we knew 7 years ago." Embry explained. "he's probably tired of all this vampire drama bullshit that's been going on" leah said "I mean how many attacks have the cullens had in the past 7 years? And they still live in forks? I'm sorry nessie I like you and I know you're Jacobs imprint but this is getting ridiculous". Sam had been listening to everyones imput ans what they had to say before finally speaking "we have to trust that seth is doing fine and he will come back when he's ready. Honestly he's 21 a grown ass man who can make his own decisions." He said "plus sue said he's doing great over there from the postcards that she gets. Apparently this woman that he's with can instantly teleport people and anything else". Paul perked up at the mention of teleportation "woah wait she can teleport?! Okay now I have to meet her" he said "mental regression to the age of 5 paul...lets bring it back to your actual age of 23" Rachel said chuckling at her boyfriends silliness.

(back to our two main characters)

Screams could be heard in the forests of niiharu shimin a group of hikers running for their lives. That soft thudding of paws hitting the ground and the sadistic childlike laughter coming from the female that was chasing them "hahaha!! It's always such a thrill when the cattle try and run away!~" olivia said "first the negativity, the thoughts of doubt and mistrust...oh how it gets me sooo excited~" she purred. Yes seth had found out that his imprint wasn't all that calm and innocent as she seemed, rather she was a complete and total sociopathic, psychotic sadist who thrived off chaos and carnage. The negativity of humans and the despair, she was also brutally violent, manipulative and had no qualms about who she killed as well as no morals whatsoever and he loved it all, everything about her, her cute side, her childish and playful side, when she's being serious straight down to the serial killer that he's pretty sure she is even if she is the god of death.

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