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  Finally , the wedding was over. The press was waiting outside the hall to take pictures of newly married couple. Manik manager Soha went to the new couples.
    Soha: guys , now it's your time to give the interviews. So be ready!

    Nandhini:  but I'm really tired now!

     Soha: I never asked you the permission. It's an order ! (She turned to the Manik with smile in her face) You two should answer to the interviewer what we prepared already. Don't mess it up!

     Those two were nodded and looked at each other with angry look. Manik held her wife waist and she was shocked and turned to him.

     Manik: I'm not interested to touch you. But we have to pretend nah. So chill!

    Those two were headed to the press. The press were happy to see them and they started to click the picture. Manik held her wife too close and smiling passionately . Nandhini was so nervous.if Manik didn't hold her,she would have stumbled on the floor. These two were giving a poses like a real love birds.

     Interviewer 1: congratulations mr and mrs.Malhotra. You two looks adorable!

      Manan nodded their heads with smile.

     Interviewer 2 : can we know why you never mentioned about girlfriend..oops.. sorry ..wife earlier?

     Manik: it's because we wanted to keep it underground. That's why..

    Interviewer 3: how many years since you have been dating?

      Manik: it's 3 years . It's love at first sight!

      Interviewer 3: wow . The rock star fell in love at first sight.

     Manik: correction . She loves  me at the first sight..

    Nandhini shockingly turned to the Manik and pinched him secretly.but He winced.

     Manik : sorry guys .. my wife was shy to agree this! ( he pinched her cheek with lovely smile but that pinch hurt Her cheek)

     Interviewer 4 (girl): wow .. this isn't new. Every girls loves Manik .in fact I love you too.. when did you fall in love with her rock star?

      Manik: that...that..( he looked at the nandhini ) when she proposed me , I love her guts.. I could see how much she wants me and love me..that was the time I fell in love with her..( nandhini gave a forceful smile)

   Nandhini pov:

     This guys should be an actor instead of musician. How could he lie without any hesitation. I fell in love with him first?? Bullshit ..  I will never love this kinda guy.. he's not heartthrob ..he's monster.. monster Manik Malhotra..

     Soha: okay guys .. the interview is over. I don't want make this couple get tierd so soon . So please...

      Thankfully, interview was over. I was already getting tierd of this stupid marraige and this stupid man. Soha went to the Manik and adjusted his sarwani. I doubted  the way how Soha look at the Manik...is she love him?? Is Manik love her back ? Then why he forced me to marry him ?

    We were back to the marraige hall. Thankfully the guest was gone. Only Manik friend cabir was there . He knew that our Marraige was fake . But where is my friend ,? She was the reason for this marraige.. I wanted to squeeze her neck for made this marraige happened.

   Mukti(nandhini friend) : shorty...

     There ..thinking of the devil..she hugged me..

    Mukti : sorry nandhu.. I know that you are angry with me.. just tolerate for this one year.. you are my strong girl nah...

      I ready wanted to squeez her neck.. but what to do..she's my only friend nah,. I should be there for her like she there for me!

    Nandhini : okay baba.. I forgive you.. what about your audition?

     Mukti : yes , your hubby selected me  as a guitarist in his band..thank you nandhu...you are my saviour!

     Nandhini: thank you.. if you want to be there in his band permanently, stop mentioning him as my hubby .. or else I will break this marraige!

     Mukti : sorry darling.. love you!!

Manager Soha came to the nandhini.

   Soha ;If you are done with your chatting, get ready .. we have to leave for the resort!

    Nandhini : why ? What about home??

   Soha : Manik granny planned the first night in the resort . So we have to leave!

    Oh shit....Mukti held  my hand so hard with big eyes after hearing the word of first night .Soha noticed that and left. She definitely would think us worst.

     Mukti : babydoll.. you are going to be ...with the national crush.. you are so lucky..

     Mukti always get hyper for these kind of things. Because she consider this as a fun..

      Nandhini : shut up Mukti .. I'm not going to lose my virginity to him. This marraige is fake..

     Mukti : babydoll, but you can have fun with him nah.. this not wrong.. after all , he's your husband and he's so hot! Every girls dreamt to be with him. But it's happening to you for real..why are you such a spoilsport..?

     Nandhini : if you don't shut your mouth, I will kill you for sure.. I'm not like you .. you know that .. I don't consider this as a fun .. it should happen because of love. And this man who's called as national crush isn't the man I love. And it never happens.

     Mukti: chill babydoll.. I'm sorry ..I was just excited.. cool down!

     Soha again called out my  name. Why this Soha was being rude to me ..I changed the floral gown from the lehanga and came out..Manik was standing in his black T-shirt and brown half shorts . Oh my god..He's damn hot ...shit ..no way !! Stop thinking about him!!

     He noticed me for whole minute. I couldn't see his eyes because he wore sunglasses..he turned away..aiyappa, I always wanted to marry the man who looks at me like Ranveer looks at Deepika Padukone. But this guy...

       We all were ready to headed to the resort.. Manik and I sat in the backseat . And Soha sat in the front seat . I didn't have any idea why this Manik wasn't talking to me since marraige.. might be he would curse me in his heart like I did..

so my journey with him had started already..

Nandhini pov ends..


Why this couples get married?

  Why nandhini hates him so much?

  For what under circumstances these marraige would be taken ?

  Will they find their love in each other ?

   If you want to know , stay tuned!!

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