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Manik and nandhini were going to their resort for the wedding night. Their journey of love was started already .

Before the three days of wedding !


Mukti (on phone) : nandhu.. where are you baby?

Nandhini : I'm on the way Mukti.. you get inside and I'll join you!

Mukti cut the call and get inside the concert hall. The rock star Manik Malhotra concert. Manik was planning to start the music band. So Mukti wanted to be in his band . So she was planning to meet him alone before the concert to show her ability.

So Mukti went to the Manik dressing room. She peeped inside and she found no one . So she entered into the room . Manik was busy talking in mobile with the back facing to her. And he was standing without his shirt on . Shirtless manik was so hot . So she took the phone to click the picture.

Manik turned and saw her standing with the mobile . Manik thought that she was recording the conversation of Manik on phone . And he thought that she was press.

Manik : you.. how you get inside ? ( Manik was fumed)

Mukti : I just came to meet you .but you were on call. ( Mukti was scared)

Manik : how dare you to record my conversation?

Manik went to snatch her mobile. She was scared And she hide it behind. He was fighting to snatch her mobile . Mukti screamed help.

Nandhini pov :
Where is Mukti ..She might be trying to meet the Manik . So I was going to the Manik room. Before I knocked the door, I heard Mukti scream . Oh shit .. I opened the door and shocked to see the Manik molested her . So I went to help her .

I pushed the Manik away from Mukti and punched him on cheeks . After my punch , his eyes filled with anger .

Mukti held me from back.

Mukti : nandhu .. why did you hit him?

Nandhini : what? He tried to molest you nah ..

Manik : what rubbish?? You two... I'll call police . Your life is over! ( he took his mobile and dialed the police number)

Mukti : oh nandhu. The mistake was mine . ( she showed the Manik shirtless pictures and I was shocked )
Stop him nandhini . Or else my life will be over !

I was shocked and he was furious. I didn't know how I could reduce his anger . Already he dialled the number . And I heard him saying hello .

It's over . Shit . I had no other way to stop him beside this. Instantly, I pulled his head and kissed his mouth . Oh shit .. my first kiss ...

Nandhini pov ends.

Manik pov:

I was anger more because of that punch . Yes it hurts . How could she think me that I molested that tomboy girl . I never touched any girl without her permission. So I dialed the commissioner number . Yes , he attended the call .

Before I said anything, she pulled me and kissed me where she punched me . I was shocked that it happened too quickly. But her lips was magic . I was healed. The hurt where she punched was gone . I had kissed many girls . But this was magic . I was stunned and I was nervous for the first time . My heartbeat was fasten .

Before I came back to conscious, this girl left that place . Oh shit .. the commissioner called me back .

The commissioner: Manik .. why did you call me now? Is it emergency??

Manik : no .. that.. that ... was accident.. sorry !

Shit .. why I couldn't say what happened here . Manik .. this isn't you.. come on .. the call was end .

Soha came to me and looked at me from top to the bottom . I don't want her to catch my expression so I turned back. Or else she would come with lots of questions..

Soha : why are you still not getting ready? Manik..it's already late ..put on your shirt.

I nodded .. but I couldn't get that girl out of my mind . What happened to me ? Oh god .. she already left Manik ..you won't meet her again!

Manik pov ends :

Nandhini pov:
I lost my first kiss to this man. Oh shit ..

Mukti : Nandhu.. just now you kissed him ? How dare you to kiss him??

Nandhini : it's not a kiss. I rescued you by using this trick. Stop it .

Mukti : I never expected this courageous move from you . You could have beg him rather than kiss him. I guess that you are also one of his girls fan. That why you kissed him . ( Mukti was teasing me)

Nandhini : stop utter rubbish. Let's Get out from this place.

Mukti : what ?? No..I had booked the ticket of concert. How could I waste the money? We have to be here. ( she was protested)

Nandhini : stop being stubborn. What if he see us ??

Mukti : come on nandhu..how could he find us in the crowd . It's impossible. Come.. we should be here..

This Mukti never listened to me . But I can't leave her too.. so the concert was started . Manik was appeared with the guitar. He's so hot with the guitar. The kissing scenes hit in my mind . Oh shit what happened to me ..

But he's singing so beautiful. No wonder that he was the heartthrob of girls . After the concert end , there was a huge applause. Girls were screaming " I love you " ..

   Then the photo was appeared on the stage screen . The close up photo . Oh shit .. who did this? It was the photo of Manik and I were kissing . But who took this photo.

The crowd was confused about the photo . There was a noise of discussion. The photo had a clear image of me and Manik . The girl after me identified me that I was the one who kissing the Manik in the image . She screamed .

The girl : there she is .. she kissed our Manik Malhotra.

The whole crowd focused to me .Manik too noticed me ..aiyappa!!!

Another girl : I'm sure that she is one of the girls who obsessed of him . That why she kissed him .

Girl 3 : yeah .. look at the Manik reaction in the image .he was shocked. how dare she kiss my Manik?

Oh shit .. the whole crowd came to beat me . I'm going to die .. before the girl held my collar , I heard the sound of man screaming stop.

She backed off and I saw the Manik was coming toward me . I was shocked and scared.he held my hand and dragged me to the stage.
I was looking at him with full of terror .manik held his Mike close to the Mouth . Oh shit .. he would tell them to beat me ..aiyappa..

But to my suprise ,

Manik : she's not my fan ..she's my fiancé ..

What !!!

Manik : yes .. I'm going to marry her!! I'm going to marry her in 3 days..

The whole crowd was shocked as much as I was shocked.. what's happening here? What he was planning to do?


To know more ...stay tuned!

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