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   Finally Manik and nandhini reached to their resort. Manik granny already into their room and making the arrangements for Manan wedding night. Nandhini was terrified after seeing their arrangements.

      Granny : Manik , I'm going you Stay here tonight.. I'm leaving for tomorrow early morning flight . So take care baba..

     Manik  hugged her and kissed her.

    Manik : don't worry granny.. take care of yourself . I love you always. And sorry if I had hurted you.

   Nandhini pov :
       I don't understand why they were talking like they never going to meet again . I seriously don't have any idea about this family.. granny turned to me look at me..

      Granny : I want to talk to you in private.. shall I ?

      I nodded and Manik went to our room. Soha was already left .

      Granny : I'm leaving Manik in your hand . I hope that you will take good care of him .

       I smiled and nodded . The guilt was hit me that our marriage was fake . But I couldn't convey this to granny.

      Granny: Manik isn't bad person nandhini . He might be rough outside , but he is so pure from inside . I always worried what will be Manik situation,after I gone ? But now I'm free . Manik has you.

      Oh shit .. she trust me so much . How could I tell her that I'm temporary . Omg .. aiyappa.. forgive me for this sin.

      Granny : you go beta..I won't disturb you by waking you up to say goodbye.. take care of you and my Manik . ( she kissed my forehead too)

      I was ready to move to the room . Granny was staring at me . Before I entered to the room , I turned and smiled at her .she was smiled back  and I went into the room and closed the door.

     Omg.. what to do now? What if she finds that our marriage is fake ? I am  trapped .. aiyappa..I found Manik came out of the bathroom.

Nandhini : Manik .. your granny trust me a lot and this marraige. I feel like I am betraying her. ( Manik was so calm)

Manik : chill nandhini . It doesn't like that . After our divorce, she will be third person for you. So why are worrying about her?

Nandhini : yeah .. but I have never hurt anyone like this . I feel so guilty. Shall we convey the truth to her?

Manik : it's not easy nandhini . See now she's happy . Don't ruin the present by thinking about the future . So relax .

Manik was so relax and he was drying his hair . He's so beautiful with his messy hair.. wait.. shit.. now I noticed that he's only wearing his bath rope. Shit..

Nandhini : Manik, what are you doing? ( I turned back and shouting)

Manik : drying my hair .. what's wrong now??

Oh god..p
Nandini pov ends

Manik pov:

I don't know what's wrong with her..

Nandhini : why are you wearing bathrobe..instead of pyjamas..?

What...I looked myself into the mirror..oh..haha.. this was the reason why she's behaving weird uh... it's going to be fun!

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