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#Nandhini pov :
It's been 3 days since the photoshoot was over. We stucked in the resort because of heavy rain. There was a flood outside. Oh shit..there was no power supply for two days.. now generators also stopped working. I'm already irritated because of no power supply and the place was getting darker too.. I couldn't find the single candle. What kind of resort is this for not having single candle too??

Already Mukti irritated me with her stupid talks after seeing the magazine cover picture that Manik and I kissed. Why they had even make it a cover picture !!!.. it was a accident but Manik blamed me As if I interested to kiss him.. why would I like to kiss that stupid monster Manik.. shit.. btw where is Manik? Why he is locked up in his room since the current off?? Should I check on him?? No no.. again he will create a drama..

But how could I stay in the dark alone.. I'm scared too.. it's okay we will knock the Manik door..

I stood in front of Manik door and knocked twice.. there was no response..

Nandhini : Manik, may I come in?? Are you sleeping ?

No response.. so I was ready to move .. but I heard the sound of something had fallen down .. why I am feeling wrong? Okay let's open the door!

I opened the door but Manik wasn't there on the bed.. where was he.. I looked around ..oh shit what happened to him.. Manik was sitting on the floor and hide his face in his foldable leg like a scared small boy..

Nandhini : Manik , what happened to you? Are you okay ?? Manik.. look at me!

I kneeled down to him and held his cheek to make him to see me..but he was shaking.. I had never seen him like this .. this hurts me a lot .. he held my hand and calling my name with his shaking voice ..

Manik: nan..nan..nandhini .. nandhini .. lightttttt ....I'm .. im .. I'm scared....

Nandhini: Manik..No power supply  because of heavy rain..I'm here nah .. don't worry ( this poor boy ) wait let switch on the torch in my phone..oh shit I left it outside ..wait let me pick it...

I stood up but Manik held my hand and pushed me to hug ..that was tight hug..

Manik : please don't leave me..please....

And he tightened his hug..he was shaking so I didn't push him.. so I held him back..he was slowly becoming calm.. his shakiness was reduced.. I held him tighter too .. the hug was magical..

#Manik pov starts :

I hugged nandhini tighter.. this hug calm me..her scent and her touch soothing me.. I feel like I want to be in her arm for whole life.. I feel safe in her arm .

Nandhini : Manik , I'm here.. nothing will happen to you .. you have me and I know you love the stars so let me be a shining star for you!

That's it..my shining star..I held her tighter and buried my face in her hair. Something is happening to me.. yes I got it.. yes I love it.. I love this moment.. I love this hug , scent , her words and everything.. I had a spark when I first saw her . I thought it was crush .

But now I know what it is ..it is love .. yes I love nandhini murthy. No , I love you mrs.nandhini Malhotra.. I'm smiling.. I'm afraid of dark because of nyonika. But this girl changed it. My shining star is with me .

I love you nandhini !!!!

There the light was came it brought back to our senses.. nandhini loosen her hold and I loosen mine too.. we both distanced and make a eye contact..nandhini eyes was full of concerns.

Nandhini : are you okay manik? Do you need water ? Wait let me bring ! ( I held her hand to stop)

Manik : just stay with me .. sleep in this room!

I was expecting her to deny. But to my surprise , he nodded her head and smiled at me. I smiled at her too. Cabir was right .. I shouldn't miss this girl.

* finally Manik is in love with nandhi . Let's see when will nandhini love him too!

(To be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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