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3 1/2 years later

Jenna's pov

After a while Harry got used to the idea of me and Louis dating,he's actually really happy for us and i sometimes catch him smiling at us which is nice.

Me and Louis have been dating for almost 4 years! I am in college now as is he,it's been quite a rough time,a few fights here and there but we are still really happy together,It was hard when he left for college he's on a football scholarship while i'm studying acting and his college is close to mine so we decided to share an apartment.

Louis' also gotten so much better with his condition,he's a lot happier now and doesn't get angry as easily much anymore,he's also been to better a doctor which helped him a lot.

Abi and Niall are also doing well,they live together and go to the same college,i do sometimes get a call from Abi complaining about Niall choosing food over her but other than that they're good.

Harry does come and visit us quite a lot,tonight he's actually coming for dinner,so are Abi,Niall,Liam and Zayn as it is almost Harry's birthday but he doesn't know we are surprising him.

"What time is Harry coming again?" Louis asks me.

"He said six" i tell him,"You know it's 5:00 right?" he says.

I jump up off the couch in our small living room,"I better hurry up then! why didn't you tell me sooner!" i say,rushing around the kitchen.

"Sorry" Louis puts his hands up in defense,just then the doorbell rings.

Louis runs to the door and opens it up to reveal Abi and Niall,"We are here!" Abi says smiling,"You better go help Jenna in the kitchen she's freaking out" I hear Louis say.

"Coming!" Abi shouts "So whatcha making?" She asks me.

"Well i was going to make a nice pasta dish but it's to late now" i sigh,"Why don't we order some pizza i'm sure he'll like that" she tells me,"That's a good idea! i'll phone the pizza place now" i say before grabbing my phone off the counter and dialing the number.

"Hey Jen!" Niall says,"Hi Niall!" i whisper,i quickly order the pizza's and put my phone down,"Have you got a cake?" Niall asks.

"Yeah it's in the fridge" i tell him,"Do not eat it Niall" i scold him as i see him looking for it,"I wasn't gonna,i just wanted to look at it" he says defensively,i roll my eyes,"Mhm sure you did".

All of us get ready and set up the balloons,Liam and Zayn then arrive a few minutes later,"Hi guys" i say rushing around trying to get everything ready,"Hey" they both greet.

Once everything was finished being set up,it was almost 6 and we were just waiting for Harry to get here.

"ding dong" i run to the door and open it,"Surprise!" everyone shouts and he has the brightest smile on his face,"Happy Birthday big brother!" i say giving him a huge.

"Happy Birthday Harry!" Niall and Abi say.

"Happy Birthday Mate!" Liam,Louis and Zayn say,"Wow thanks you guys!" he says walking into our apartment,he gives everyone hugs,"I didn't have time to make anyone so we just got pizza i hope that's okay" i state,"Of course it's okay,you can't cook anyway" he chuckles and i smack his arm playfully.

We all sit on the couches and eat our pizza while talking to eachother happily.

"Should we go have some cake?" Niall says,"Of course you can't wait for cake Ni but i actually think we should" I say to everyone.

So we all get up and gather around the dinning table with the cake in the middle,Louis carefully lights the candles and we all sing Happy Birthday together and watch as Harry blows out the candles.

With Louis' arms wrapped around me and everyone's smiling faces.

i feel extremely content.
Hi! so this story is officially finished! :( i know this chapter was awful and really badly written i'm so sorry i really couldn't think of much to write! i hope you enjoyed this story i know it was short but i really can't think of anything else to write for it to be honest,it was my first fic ever so it's not very good haha,also please check out my other fics i'm trying to make those a lot better especially my most recent one <3

xxx Jenna

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