Chapter Six

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Jenna's pov

"Come on Jen,please come with us" Niall says pleadingly. "Sorry guys but i told you before i don't want to go,i don't even like parties and you know that" i say while closing my locker. "But you've never even been to one so how do you know you won't enjoy it?" Abi states "I'm just not into that type of stuff,i'd much prefer being at home in bed and besides i don't feel like third wheeling" I say. "first of all Me and Niall haven't been on our first date yet so you wouldn't be third wheeling and second it's one party it'll be fun and Louis will be there" she says winking, i roll my eyes playfully "I'll think about it" "I knew you'd say yes" Niall says smiling "I didn't actually say yes though,i said i'd think about it" i state "Yes but when you say you'll think about it,it usually means you'll say yes in the end so looks like we're going!" Ni says enthusiastically, i huff "Whatever,i guess i'll come then" i say giving in. "Oo yes! this is going to be so fun, first high school party!" Abi says giggling. "Yep now we've got to go to English so come on" i say and we start walking to class.
It was now lunch,we go sit at our table and all Niall and Abi can talk about us the party tomorrow night, Ni got himself invited to a party at Liam's house which i knew was happening but was not planning on going until now. Whoever invited him said he can bring whoever he wants so of course he asked me and Abi, she was just as enthusiastic as Niall to go but me,not so much only because it's not really my scene but i guess i've never been to one so i won't know until i have. I sit and eat my lunch quietly until Abi asks me,"So Jen what are you thinking of wearing?" "I honestly have no clue,what are you supposed to wear to these things?" i ask,"Well to be honest i don't know something fancy but not to fancy i guess" she shrugs "but don't worry we can all get ready together at my house if you want!" she says "Yeah!" Niall says "Yep sounds good" i say "Oh come on it'll be fun,you could be more enthusiastic then that" Abi says rolling her eyes jokingly "Oo this is going to be so much fun! i can't wait" i say sarcastically "Better?" i ask "Much" she says and then carries on talking to Niall. Much to my surprise Louis comes up to me, "Can i talk to you for a moment" he says "Uh yeah sure" i say confused as to why he wants to talk to me in the first place.
Louis' pov

I take Jenna out into the hallway to confront he about going to this party, i didn't mean to eavesdrop on her and her friends conversation,we i didn't actually i just so happened to be there when they were talking. "So what did you want to talk about?" she asks clearly confused. "You are not going to that party" i state,she widens her eyes "And how exactly did you even know i was going to?" she says "I over heard you guys talking about it and i don't think it's a good idea for you to go" "Okay...but why do you care if i go or not? besides you'll be happy to know i'm only going for Niall and Abi,they asked me to and I said i would go with them,not that i need your permission to but still" she states "I know you don't need my permission i just don't want you to go,it's not a good place for you be at" i say sternly "Um, alright but i'm still not understanding why you care if i go? it's not like it phases you at all" she says because i care about you and really really like you like a lot i wanted to say but instead "I don't but your brother will" i snap, she looks abit hurt and i feel bad for technically saying i don't care about her. she shrugs "I know he will that's why i'm not going to tell him" she says and crosses her arms "and neither are you" she looks pointedly at me. "Even if i don't you really think he's not going to find out? he knows everyone in the school someone is bound to tell him." i say "I don't know but i'm going to go anyway and you can't stop me" she sounds more determined now "Whatever you'll regret it once you're there" i say but apart of me wishes she'd just listen to me for her own good,I sigh as she walks away.
Jenna's pov

I walk away feeling differently about the party situation, i'm more determined to go now i know Louis doesn't want me to.Since Harry is going to be at work till late he can't go to the party, i'm hoping he won't find out i was going to go to it but he i doubt he won't eventually find out,anyway it doesn't matter right now,I'm not going to let Louis have the satisfaction of winning this, he told me not to go so i'm going to do the exact opposite.
Here's an update for anyone reading and enjoying this story! This chapter wasn't as interesting but i wanted to update,it also wasn't as long, next chapter will be the party and a lot is going to happen so be ready! As always let me know what you think! :)
(if you didn't notice in the beginning i got the i'll think about it part from Harry and James😌)

xxx Jenna

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