Chapter Four

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Louis' pov

I walk into school the next day and see Jenna at her locker, I'm tempted to go up to her but i know i shouldn't,she looked really nice today, she had her long brown hair in a high messy bun,black leggings,an oversized t-shirt on,with white sneakers,did i mention i love it when she wear oversized shirts? well i do and she wears them a lot. I walk past her to go to my locker and she looks at me smiling, i lightly smile back.Once i get to my locker i see Eleanor standing there, "Hey Lou" she says "Um,hi?" i say confused as to why she was standing there,"Can i help you with something?" i ask, "Well, there's a party on friday at Liam's house, are you going?" she says "Uh,yeah why" of course i'm going like duh, "Maybe we could go together" she looks at me waiting for an answer "Sorry Eleanor i don't take dates anywhere let alone party's you know that" i state i have nothing against her it's just the responsibility of taking them there and back home besides I want to keep my options open, not be stuck with one girl the whole night. "Fine, i guess i'll see you there then" She walks away irritated. I go to my next class which is Math, i walk in and sit down, i hate math. Once the lesson is finished i get up to leave, "Mr Tomlinson come here for a moment" says the teacher. Ugh this teacher was annoying. "So i have been taking a look at your marks and i'm going to be honest with you i am very disappointed,Louis" she sighs. she then takes out my past tests "You got an F on every one,now I highly suggest you improve on this or you will not be able to do football this year-"
I cut her off."Seriously no football? you've got to be joking because of a fooking maths mark!" i say irritation and anger lacing my voice."I don't appreciate the language Louis but I'm afraid so,now i'm getting you a tutor to help you". Ugh not a tutor. "I will let you know who that is once i've contacted them, for now you best be on your way to your next class". "Alright,whatever" I leave her classroom in a bad mood, i don't need a fooking tutor.
Jenna's pov

I'm about to leave maths when my teacher pulls me aside. "Jenna i would like to ask you a favor" she states, "Um okay sure" i say and smiling with uncertainty. "Well there is a student in one of my classes that is struggling with a certain section and you seem to be quite good with this section specifically actually you're the best in the class, i was wondering if you would be able to tutor him, he is 2 grades above but i was hoping you could help, i have asked a few other people but they aren't available to" I wasn't expecting that.Here i was thinking i was so bad at maths turns out there's someone worse. "Sure i don't mind, may i ask who?", "Louis Tomlinson" she says, I freeze.
I walk out of there in complete shock. I was definitely not expecting that at all,of course i agreed to it though. I go to lunch and see Abi and Niall already there, they looked so happy, smiling and laughing with eachother, i didn't want to ruin the moment but Niall saw me, he said something to Abi and then came up to me. "Hey" he says, "Hi Ni, you know i was coming there now right?" i say confused. "Yes but i really need to talk to you about something" he says nervously.
Niall's pov

"Yes but i really need to talk to you about something" i say i'm nervous but i need her help. "Okay sure what do you want to talk about?" she says. "Well um, can we talk somewhere else" i ask i look over at Abi quickly to make sure she wasn't looking but she was talking to Anna and Sammie "Yeah okay" we walk out of the cafeteria and to the hallway. "So what did you want to talk about" she asks. "Okay so you know how i've had a crush on Abi for so long and i really like her, i want to ask her out but i don't know what to say and i get nervous with things like this, what if i say the wrong thing or-" she cuts me off. "Niall you're rambling" i let out a breath i didn't even know i was holding. "Okay first of all, you need to calm down it's Abi you've known her forever i'm sure it won't be that hard to ask her and second i can help you i can tell you what you should say but just be yourself because she'll like that" she says softly,"What if she doesn't like me back i don't even know what i'd do that would be the worst feeling ever, i don't want to got through that oh my word she's going to say no isn't she, shes going to say no and i will-" "Niall!" she shouts making me flinch a bit "Stop it!,she likes you i know she does now just calm down! and go ask her" "but i-" "No buts relax, all
you have to say is Abi will you go out with me, the rest must be from you" she says sternly.
"Alright, i'm going to do it" i gulp and walk back into the cafeteria.

Louis' pov

I got told to go back to my maths teacher to find out who my tutor was, i don't want a stupid tutor but if i don't get one i can't do football so i guess i'll have to. I walk in and see Jenna sitting at the teachers desk. "Hi, Louis please come sit" i furrow my eyebrows. "Okay..." i say confused,"I would like you to meet your tutor, i'm sure you already know eachother but i brought you here so you can discuss about times and days, things like that anyway i'll leave you to it". The teacher gets up and leaves the room. Jenna looks at me smiles nervously, i smile back hoping to make her less nervous, Her features soften abit so that mines my plan worked, and she smiles a bit more, that smile that i love."So um you're my tutor" i say, i mentally slap myself of course she's my tutor wtf Louis, "Uh yeah i am" she chuckles,i laugh abit with her,happy i'm the one who made her laugh. "Well i'm free on Wednesdays after school other days i have football, is that good for you?" "Sure that's fine" she says "Okay say around 2pm?" "Perfect". Maybe this tutoring thing won't be so bad after all.
Next chapter! Here's abit of Niall's pov! so i feel like it's a bit boring right now but i'm going to keep saying it, it will get more interesting these are just the first chapters, we're still getting into the story i also don't want to rush into anything! Anyway i have more stuff planned for the next chapters so stay tuned!

xxx Jenna

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