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Dani's POV


March 21st. Today. 

Its going to be the best day of my life. I look around the room and see all my friends that have become my family. Well. at least the girls. They boys are with Niall helping him get ready. Yes. Today is the day i become Mrs.Horan. and i cant even control my excitement. But im not just excited. Im nervous. 

http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=150035488 (her outft) 

"El. can you come here please?" i feel like its best to go to her because she just got married to Louis a few months about. 

"Yes Dani? is there something wrong.. is it the dress? hair? makeup?" she rambles

i put my hand over her mouth and shook my head.  "No silly. But were you nervous before your wedding?"

she lookes at me and smiles. "Of course. I think everyone gets nervous before their wedding. But it will only last until you see him. Just standing there looking like his dorky self. and the smile he will have on his face when he sees you will make it a million times better.. Just remember that youll have your entire family right by your side. and that you and Niall will be starting one of your own very soon. and it will be the best thing in the entire world."

"Thank you El. Im so glad i have you and everyone else. I honestly dont know what i would do without you guys. you guys helped me through everything. and i would just be so lost without you and the boys. And Niall. He is my rock. I just cant wait to be Mrs.Horan." 

She looks at her watch she has on and says "Speaking of that. we need to get out there now... LADIES" she yells "Lets go. They start the  music in 3. and we cant be late. now lets go.. out the door. now. no excuses." 

i watch as everyone follows her directions and heads out the door.. Well looks like shes got everybody in check.... 

before i know it we are already at the door and the girls have walked in and its my turn. I put one foot in front of the other focusing on not falling. i mean how embarasisng would it be if i just tripped and fell. Once i know i got my footing good. I look up. and i lose my breath. Standing right there is the man im gonna marry. Hes the one im gonna be with for the rest of my life. 

"Dani. Dani." i hear someone say. 

i look and see the preist staring at me. 

"huh?" i say and everyone starts laughing.  

he chuckles and says "I was asking if you had your vows."

"oh yeah." everyone starts laughing again. 

well here goes nothing. 

"Niall. My goofball. Where do i begin. 

All my life i have been waiting for someone to come and sweep me off my feet. And honestly one day i was going to just give up. But then you came along. The sweetest, most loving, compassionate, and sensitive person I have ever known. You have been my very best friend through the good and the bad. You have been the reason that I smile and you have given comfort beyond measure when I have cried. You have believed in me when no one else would, and you have shown me how to love with passion, purity, and unconditional acceptance. I'm not sure a lifetime is long enough to return all you have given to me, but I promise the rest of my days I'll spend by your side.To laugh with you and cry with you, to believe in you and support you. In poverty I promise to do everything to make our love rich, and in wealth to never let our love grow poor. Together we are better than we could ever hope to be alone, and today I give you my love, my trust, and my fidelity forever. You will ALWAYS be the best part of my day. Im so happy to have met you. The one i will always be with. The one who will pick me up when im sad. The one who will turn my lonely days to fun ones. The one who will make me happy for as long as i live." 

As i finish i look at niall and see a tear run down his cheek and lean over to kiss it away. Everyone elses seems to be crying as i look around. Well. 

I look back to my lovely soon to be husband and smile. 

He starts

"I love you. I promise to encourage your compassion, Because that is what makes you unique and wonderful. I promise to nurture your dreams, Because through them your soul shines. I promise to help shoulder our challenges, For there is nothing we cannot face if we stand together. I promise to be your partner in all things, Not possessing you, but working with you as a part of the whole. Lastly, I promise to you perfect love and perfect trust, For one lifetime with you could never be enough. This is my sacred vow to you, my equal in all things"

(thats what my parents said when they got married^^)

I cant help but start to cry. 

I give him the biggest hug ever and hear "awhs" from every direction. 

"Well. I guess this leaves me to say... I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs. Horan. Husband and Wife. Now and forever."

Im Mrs.Horan. Better get used to that. 

I waste no time before crashing my lips onto his. Our first kiss as a married couple. 

With many more to follow..... 



Thank you for everyone who has stuck through the story.. It has now come to an end. 


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