Getting Ready

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Danis POV

So today is mine and Nialls date. and I'm nervous as heck. like I have no idea what to wear or how to do my hair. The only thing left to do is to video call Kayla.

I grab my computer off my bed. I log on and click the Skype button. Moments later my contacts list pops up and I thank lord Kayla is on.

I click her name and press "video call". it rings for a little then my beautiful best friend pops up.

"How you doin chica" she asks like she always does.

"Ummm. pretty good considering I have a date with Niall tonight and have no idea what to wear or how to do my hair or my make up. and what of my shoes don't match my shirt or dress. or my hair is too ugly or not in the right way. what if my make up isn't enough or looks slutty. (sorry for that word. Lol. Couldn't think of another word to describe it. btw I don't really like using those type of words unless necessary) and what if he just thinks I look ugly." I said all in one breath. I look and my best friend is staring at me like I'm cray!

"So what you're telling me is that... YOU HAVE A DATE WITH FRICKIN 1/5 OF THE WORLDS HOTTEST BOY BAND AND IM JUST FINDING OUT." she screams loud enough I'm sure people in china heard her. "HOW LONG AGO DID HE ASK YOU?? HOW?? WHERE?? WHAT DID HE SAY." she kept shouting random things about Niall asking me on a date.

"KAYLA!!!! SHUT UP!!" as soon as I said it she shut her big mouth. "ill tell you all the details later. Right now I need help with my outfit." I walked over to all my suit case and opened them up exposing all my clothes, shoes, accessories, purses, make up, and you get the point.. I'm a girl.. it's an absolute must to have these things.

I stare at Kayla and it looks like she is thinking.

After a while she asks "Do you have the light pink skater skirt I bought you for your birthday??"

I look over and dig through my suit cases. after a minute I pull out the skirt.

"Yeah it's right here."

"Okay. now look for that white shirt you had. The one with those black things at the top!! you know what I mean haha"

"The one I got for Christmas last year??"

"Yes!! that one" I see the shirt on top of the pile and pull it out. I lay out the shirt and skirt on the bed and look at my shoes. "okay kayla. now what shoes??"

"Hmmm.. OH!! how about those laser cut heels you have!! did you bring those!!"

"oh my gosh Kayla!! Genius!!" I grab the shoes and set them on the floor by my bed.

"Okay. Now wear you hair natural. You have the perfect waves for that!! and just do a light smokey eye and you should be good.. Oh and use that black clutch I got you for your birthday."

"Kayla you are a life saver!!"

"That's what I'm here for babe! ill talk to you later. GO GET READY!!"

"Okay okay. Bye boo."

"Bye boo boo."

We hung up and I went to go get ready. I did exactly what kayla said and I must say I looked pretty hot.. but there was one thing missing....


I grab my red lipstick off my vanity and put it on.. As soon as I finished there was a knock at the door.

Oh my gosh.. this is it....


Here Danielle.. just like I pinky promised!! love you boo..

Thank you everyone for voting and reading.. I really appreciate it :) update coming soon!! Love y'all <3


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