The Warriors Of Kyoshi

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(3rd person POV) 

Katara Aang and Sokka drove in Aang's van over to Kyoshi School of combat, it was and all girls school and one of their greatest rivals

Katara and Aang were talking while Sokka was grumbling. 

When they got to the school they saw girls lined up in rows the little girl around the ages 4-7 were wearing blue dresses and blue hats 

When they got to the school they saw girls lined up in rows the little girl around the ages 4-7 were wearing blue dresses and blue hats 

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The older girls Around the ages of 8-16 wore green dresses and green headbands

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The older girls Around the ages of 8-16 wore green dresses and green headbands

One Of the girls in particular stood out to sokka, she had red hair unlike the rest of the girls and she wore bright red eyeliner and had blue eyes

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One Of the girls in particular stood out to sokka, she had red hair unlike the rest of the girls and she wore bright red eyeliner and had blue eyes. 

All of the girls walked into school, And Their Principal, Kyoshi greeted Aang Katara and Sokka

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All of the girls walked into school, And Their Principal, Kyoshi greeted Aang Katara and Sokka. 

"Welcome To Kyoshi school of combat, Katara you and Aang will  Be walking all around the campus, Sokka you will be in class 1B, Oh Sokka heres your guide now" She said gestering to the girl walking over, it was the redhead. She looked them up and down then said to Sokka "Well come on I dont have all day" She said

Sokka followed her...

Sokka POV:

I Followed her as we walked through the school she showed me the awards the school had gotten, including the one of the school wide karate championship which I had lost against one of the girls at the school, "I let that girl win" I said "Theres no way a girl could take me down!" The girl just rolled her eyes at me 

"Im pretty sure any girl here could take you down even the kindergarteners" Suki said glaring at him. 

"Wanna bet?" Sokka asked, she didnt look very strong, she was on the shorter side and she was wearing a dress.

"Fine" Suki said. All she has to do was punch him in the face, and he fell over. unfortunatly a teacher was their and sent them both the the principals office...

To be continued

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