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⏰ 3:35𝗉𝗆. - 3:48𝗉𝗆.
🙇🏻‍♀️ 𝗇𝗈 𝖺𝖾𝖼𝗁𝖺'𝗌 𝗉𝗈𝗏.

You saw what I saw? "What does that mean?" I asked Huijun and Minjae dumbly. Minjae was coming over after school so he walked with us, he wasn't really replying to the conversation, just listening. "How would I know? I don't know what the hell is going on between you and him!" Huijun frustrated.

"I don't know either. I met him at the grocery store and that was it. Then he magically became my seat mate." I rolled my eyes remembering the flashbacks of Tzuyu. I wonder if they're still close, "Grocery?" Minjae wondered. I turn to him and nodded, "Yes, we were fighting for some pads." his eyebrows furrowed.

I shrug, "I remembered, he said he needed it for his girlfriend-" Huijun cheered, "He has a girlfriend! Why is he so interested in you and annoying you? Goddamn, why must I need to be the one protecting you from a bunch of rapists and players?" Huijun rudely groaned. I was surprised of the attitude, was he actually mad?

Huijun and I weren't far from home, just a couple of more minutes but he ran away anyways. "You look sad now. You good?" Minjae elbowed me, I looked at him.

Nodding, I replied, "I'm just wondering the same as Huijun. Why is he so interested in bothering me if he has a girlfriend?" I asked myself with a frown and curiosity in my brain. "Maybe he is a cheater? I don't know. Player perhaps? Like Huijun mentioned." Minjae responded to my silence.

"Do you even like him? You're always around him anyways, but Chan also." Minjae brought it up. I shrugged, shaking my head. "Mark's annoying. I just talk to him for spoilers on this stupid book I'm reading. I don't like Chan anymore, by the way." I replied to everything he was probably curious about. He went, "Ah~" then nodded.

"But between Mark-hyung and Chan-hyung, who would you date?" He asked me. I scoffed and shook my head toward him, "Neither. I'd date a girl if I had to choose between those two." his jaw dropped, meanwhile, he stopped walking too which made me get ahead of walking.

𝗍 𝗂 𝗆 𝖾 𝗌 𝗄 𝗂 𝗉

"What's for dinner?" I hopped on a stool in front of counters, Uncle was currently cooking something that smelled fantastic. "Japchae." He replied. We hadn't had it in a while but that wasn't the problem, my mom was. Japchae was my mom's favourite food.

She tried something called 'pancit' from a foreign country and each time she ate japchae, she would always talk about the country she travelled to. It was awesome listening to her stories, hearing her voice that I can no longer hear in my mind or memories.

"It's your mom's favourite, do you still remember?" He smiled to me, I nod. "Don't you like it as well?" I nod again with a smile forming, the smell of it always made me think about Mom. No one else though, I didn't know Dad very well but I'm sure my younger brother would. It was only a secret but between Mom and Dad, he'd choose Dad.

I wish I had things- or foods like this that would make me think of them this way. But I didn't. The memories would rarely be seen in my mind anymore even if it wasn't too long ago that I lost them. "Have a taste, sweetheart." My uncle shoved food in my mouth and my mouth automatically welcomed it. It stayed there for a while until Minjae shoved me over and asked for food as well.

My uncle chuckled, feeding him and earning a tasty "mmh" from him. I laugh and shake my head, "Huijun, stop writing for a moment and join us for dinner." I told him. He looked up, dropping his pen and immediately getting up to eat with us. It was fun, we always treated Minjae like family. Also Seungmin though he doesn't come lots because his family isn't really fond of us.

Seungmin's rich, he knows that, we all do. His parents just don't like people lower than them and it's annoying and selfish. Seungmin's different, he's kind and thoughtful. The opposite of his family, I wonder why they prefer people above them instead of lower.

"This is delicious!" Huijun cheered, Minjae agreed and gave him and I a high-five. I rolled my eyes, as much as I hate him, I gave him a high-five anyways. God, he's so annoying, he reminds me of Mark!

📖 : published | 03/16/21
📝 : haelo friends- were getting closer to my recent chapter until i actually have to write more 😛 btw happy pi day to anyone who actually celebrates it??

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