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Everybody was asleep at midnight but not Tzuyu. Tzuyu was woken up by a rapid speed of knocking on her door, not doorbells but knocking. Luckily, her parents didn't hear it since it was Mark and Aecha at the door. "What the hell are you guys doing here?!" She whisper-shouts.

"I need your help," Aecha said worriedly as Mark came up to her after locking the doors of his car from the keys. "With what? Are you pregnant? It's okay, I learned how to perform that surger-" Aecha's eyebrows furrowed at her. "Oh, you aren't pregnant." Tzuyu says.

They all enter the house. It was as big as Chan's house. Aecha didn't know where she lived since she's never been at her house but when Mark and Tzuyu became friends they hung out lots here. "It's midnight, what do you need help with?" Tzuyu walked into her kitchen and got a glass of orange juice for everybody.

"This," Aecha flips her hair to the other side and showed her a dark spot on her neck, "Woah, are you sure that isn't another soulmate?" Tzuyu teases her only and Mark laughed because he understood. "Stop laughing." Aecha demands and he turns it into a cough.

"Jesus Christ, what the hell did you guys do at the beach?" Mark hums, "We ate food, swam and that was it." the girl doesn't believe it. She looks at him with a confused look, he gave her an obvious face, "And we made out! What do you think happened?!" he said loudly. "Mark, be quiet, my parents are asleep." Tzuyu feels the hickeys on Aecha's neck.

There was a big one that looked bruised but the others were only small and light, it was visible to her though. "You think you'll get in trouble?" Tzuyu asked, "If Uncle knows, yes. Not Jessi, though." she shakes her head to Jessi finding out about the hickey. "Okay, let me just get something from my room. I'll be back, don't fight." She sounded like a mom talking to her kids.

Tzuyu speed walked up the spiral stairs into the halls of their bedrooms. "Sorry about that." Mark said shyly, looking away from her. "I don't care, I just really need it off." Aecha focuses on her phone where she had the camera app out. "Are you mad?"

She scoffs, "No, I had fun." Mark's eyebrows both raised at her. "Oh, damn. Alright." He drinks his OJ as Tzuyu walked down with makeup items. She put it on the counter and opened a box up, "You're a girl?" Mark asked Tzuyu to tease her. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"You have makeup."
"You disrespectful son of a bitch, keep your mouth shut."

The couple made an 'O' with their mouths at how shocked they were at her reply. "You guys come to my house in the middle of the night because of a hickey." Tzuyu grabbed Aecha's neck and added layers of makeup on it. "We're sorry, okay? We didn't know who to go to. It's his fault anyways." The girlfriend threw Mark under the bus, "Oh, please. You said you enjoyed it!" he brings it back.

"God, you guys are so annoying." Mark and Aecha talk over each other's voices and sentences so Tzuyu couldn't hear anything or understand what was happening.

They finally stopped after awhile, Mark sits away from her while using his phone. "Who are you texting?" Tzuyu asked him, "Why would you wanna know?" he replied to her. "I'm asking for your girlfriend." She said, "I never said anything." Aecha told both of them. "I'm texting Somi." Mark explains to them both.

"Ah- Tzuyu! It's cold, what the hell?" Aecha's neck was covered up with layers of makeup that made her skin look normal but to have it on for a long time, they hand to put some sort of gel on it then peel it off. "Hold on." Tzuyu told her, "It's almost done."

She peels from the neck and sets it aside, "Good as new." Tzuyu smiled proudly at her work of art which was Aecha's neck. "Nice. Let's go." The Taiwanese gasps at the two Koreans, "The disrespect. I worked so hard! I don't even get a hug." the turn around.

"Fine, here." Aecha runs back to give her a hug, "Thank you, Chou Tzuyu for hiding my hickeys." she joked. "Alright. Go, leave. Text me when you guys get home, goodnight." She says quickly, letting go of Aecha.

They both wave to her, Mark locks the door from inside and closes it carefully and quietly. "Tzuyu looks so dumb in a robe. A Pororo robe. It looks so small on her too!" Aecha whisper-shouted, "You noticed that? I thought it was only me!" Mark laughs.

"My Pororo robe is valid!"

note: i forgot to add a note on this on el o el

published: 08/01/21

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