Chapter 8 | Some old friends and history

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Time skip // 7:30 PM // Narrators POV

Y/n's father was home, the trio stood behind the doors of the living room in which Y/n stood arguing with her father, though the man never put up a fight.

Sebastian even thought he looked relieved to find out his daughter was home...

Before his arrival, the three were sat in Y/n's large bedroom, which was covered with drawings and photos, resembling a lot like the Treehouse.

The kind butler and maid notified the four about her fathers presence.

But now everything just felt awkward...

Sebastian, Sam and Abby all sat trying not to listen to their conversation but the door were left open, leaving the three curious and eavesdropping.

They had never seen Y/n so troubled before... She was always so calm, so... outgoing..

But here Y/n seemed so depressed, anxious even..

And they got that! Of course she'd be anxious! They knew she cared for them even when she pushed them away!

For a second the three tuned out, all looking at each other as they all thought the same thing.

'We gotta protect her..'

"Your mothers dead"

The threes attention shot back to Y/n and her father when hearing the harsh words.

There stood Y/n, staring at him in shock as he looked down.

They couldn't tell if he was angry, he didn't sound angry.. he sounded tired... sad.

Y/n let the conversation end at that, walking away towards the others.

"Wait- Y/n!" Abby yelled, running after her as she sped walk away.

Sam and Sebastian glanced at each other before taking off to where Abby and Y/n we're heading.

"I-I'm sure he didn't mean it like that" Sam reassured her, Y/n only scoffed at his attempt of comfort.

"Of course he did.. he's always been this way"


"Please just drop-" Y/n bared her fangs, about to interrupt Sebastian when two familiar faces walked far behind the three humans.

There they were.

One being the annoying partner in crime who probably had fleas by the looks of his messy hair.

The other looking mentally stable, at least he looked like he showered.. the one who got them out the crime.

"Y/n?" The werewolf stared directly at her, messy brunette hair standing up at the sight of his other childhood friend.

Y/n could see his tail wagging behind him, ears pointed up in excitement, though of course he tried to hide it all, Isaac took his tail into his hands, flattening his ears to his head.

Hiro looked up to her, looking more content than he did while walking down the old halls of the castle, his light golden brown bangs moved swiftly as he shifted his gaze to back track at the sight.

Isaac was shorter than Hiro, always was.. but was definitely taller than Y/n.

The three humans turned to look at the two men, Y/n's eyes watering a bit as she ran past them and to her long lost best friends.

She ran in between the two, her arms on either side of the boys necks as she pulled them into a tight embrace.

"Your alive!" She yelled, her smile never leaving her face.

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