Chapter 4- Wow

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I loved this fanart. The bromance <3. Its from reinfalllz-art on Tumblr :).

Anyways Chapter 4 is longer than the previous ones and things are getting a little more interesting. I'm trying to make this a slow burn but I love fluff and crap like that. But I hope yall like it.


George couldn't help but keep staring at the handsome green eyed boy on his screen. The sole slight of him didn't necessarily help with his breathing, but the way he could see Dream's lips move with his warm calming voice directing him to relax he found the focus he so desperately needed.

He focused on studying his best friend. His hair was dirty blonde like he had said, but it was shaggy and looked so soft. George longed to run his hands through it and tangle his fingers. Then there were his eyes. George knew they were green, but to him they were yellow like but still beautiful, and they were staring right back at his. The freckles that Dream had mentioned showed up strewn across the bridge of his nose and lightly dusted his cheeks, but then his lips. Oh his lips had George dizzy. They moved with every word Dream uttered that George was supposed to be listening to but all he could think about were those lips, and how soft and pink they looked. His eyes trailed downwards to try to see what was left of the boy on the screen. He was shirtless; his broad shoulders bare and defined with muscles that George could very well see.

"George?" His mind that was usually jumbled with thoughts of everything could only focus on Dream. Hearing his name he became aware of his own silence.

"Took your breath away?" Dream teased as always, just something in his tone was different. It seemed timid. "You can say that." George managed to whisper out lowly, surprising the blonde boy.

"Are you okay?" George nodded immediately. But he wasn't sure if he was lying or telling the truth because his anxiety attack had subsided, but now as he stared at Dream his heart was racing.

"I'm just a bit shocked." George confessed and with this he was not lying. He was surprised. He didn't think he would ever get to see Dream's face without actually going to Florida to see him.

"I thought it would help for you to see me rather than just hear me." Dream shrugged, and George felt a weird twist in his chest when the younger boy set his phone down near what George presumed was his computer. And he stood there in a towel. George did the only thing he could think of and threw a hand over his eyes.

"Dream. Please get decent." And there was the endearing laugh he always loved to hear. The wheezes came to play when he stole a glance to see if he was actually listening to just see the blonde's face only once again and his lips wore a smirk.

"I've seen you once and I can already tell you're conceited." George rolled his eyes at Dream who just gave a shrug in response. "Was that your way of calling me attractive George?"


"No, you idiot."

George watched as Dream seemed to get comfortable in his bed before turning his attention back to the brunet. They stayed in comfortable silence for a while; until Dream's gnawing question finally clawed its way out.

"Are you mad at me?" The older boy shook his head.

"No, I understand why you did it, and I realized some things after talking to Sapnap about everything. So, I want to say sorry for being a bad friend. I kept depending on you to help me with no one else, and it was really selfish of me to do. I also wasn't even aware of how you were this whole time. Sapnap told me about him having to go to therapy for a while and all this time I didn't fucking know because I was stuck on myself. So now I'm going to go see a therapist the incoming week and I'm going to be a better friend to you and Sapnap." He concluded after hours of contemplating on what to say and rehearsing it in his mind over and over again.

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