Chapter 8- Sorry?

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Hello y'all!!! Sorry its been a longer than usual wait for this chapter. But I was so excited to write this chapter for you guys and now its finally up! Anyways, the fan art is hot. Dream's scar makes it 10x better. The artist  is @ Boobeardrawws on Instagram!

I want to start adding songs that give me Dnf vibes along with the fan art. The first one is She by dodie! If you guys have any suggestions feel free to comment! Anyways I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! <3


Dream and Patches stayed the week with his sister and Mom at the request of his sister, and he felt refreshed spending time with them but he knew it was time for him to go back to his own life.

"You can always come back, honey." His mom assured as he gave her one last hug. "I know Ma. I'll text you when I get home." She gave him a gentle smile as he pulled out of the driveway with one last wave.

The way home took longer than usual and at the same time Dream was glad. He really was in no rush to get back home. Patches was content in her carrier, half asleep with the cool AC blowing just enough for both of them to be content in the heat of the day.

During the week at his Mom's he completely ignored his phone other than letting Sapnap know he was okay when he had gotten an alarming amount of calls and messages from the Texas boy. He also was able to figure out that George had in fact streamed once again without wanting to. His sister's Twitch notification had gone off at dinner and she did her best to be nonchalant about swiping it off her screen as fast as she could before Dream could notice, but he did. But he said nothing, although it gave him a sad reminder he was glad that Sapnap relayed his message.

He pulled into his driveway reluctantly, but Patches pawed at the screen of her carrier eager to roam her familiar home. She darted as soon as Dream let her out to lazy her time in some of her favorite spots.

He powered on his computer and sat in his chair patiently. It had now almost been a month since he's been on. He hadn't streamed, he hadn't been active on any of his discord chats, and now officially been able to ignore George to the best of his ability.

He opened his discord knowing he had missed messages from all his friends, but as the screen loaded he didn't think the first name on the list would be George.

He was online.

37 messages from Georgenotfound

There was a lump in his throat as he stared at the small icon.

Georgenotfound is typing . . .

38 messages from Georgenotfound

His mouse hovered as the notification rang out.

He couldn't.

39 messages from Georgenotfound

His jaw tensed.

"Please stop." His voice was a whisper as he closed his eyes trying to ignore the fact that George was reaching out to him. Right then and there.

After a few minutes of silence he figured his prayers were answered.

Until his screen flashed.

Incoming Video Call from Georgenotfound


(This is George's pov from when Dream first decided to leave 3 weeks ago or so)

Recap of their last conversation:

"Look George, tell Sapnap I'm fine. That we had a good conversation. And you should just forget about yesterday and I'll do the same. I'm gonna be missing from streams for a while and youtube for a bit okay?" George felt like he had gotten his feet knocked from under him. Dream was leaving.

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