Chapter 3

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"Hey, little brat! Wh-"

I immediately slap Montparnasse on the chest. He winces in pain.

"'Parnasse!" I hiss.

"What? Don't tell me you find her nice."

I sigh.

"We're trying to find her, not make her run faster away. And you're not helping."

"Hey, I'm only here 'cause Madame Thénardier didn't want you wandering in the night alone. I didn't say anything about helping."

"Ugh, fine. Stay there being completely useless then."

I start to move branches to the side as we make our way deeper through the forest. I swear, that girl isn't making it easy for us.

"Can't we just leave her out here?" Montparnasse sighs.

"Papa said no."

And, although I don't particularly like the girl, I'd feel bad to just leave her out in the woods alone.

"Cosette, come on!" Montparnasse whines. "I'll give you some food if you come out!"

"We don't have food," I point out.

"Ah, but she doesn't know that."

I roll my eyes.

"You're going to be a real pain later."

"I am trying."

I punch him on the shoulder.

"What is it with you and slapping me tonight?" he whines, rubbing his aching shoulder.

"What is it with you being so annoying?" I fire back.


"What does that even mean?"

He hunches his shoulders before smirking.

"I don't know. Heard some man say that earlier today. I think it's appropriate."

"You are endlessly frustrating. And she is as well."

We look for another fifteen minutes and I'm about to lose my temper when I hear Montparnasse shout "I SEE SOMETHING". My head flies in his direction only to see him sprinting off.

"Hey, wait for me!" I call after him, grabbing the bottom of my dress and sprinting after him. I swear, running in a dress in the woods is not ideal. "Montparnasse!"

"Gotcha, little brat!"

I run around this huge oak tree and see Montparnasse holding a frail little Cosette by the fabric of her dress. I guess she hadn't got much success with running in a dress either.

"Montparnasse, let her go," I sigh.

He does as told and Cosette just stands there, completely petrified of a nine-year-old and a twelve-year-old.

"You're Cosette, right?" I ask her harshly.

She nods. Can this girl even speak?

"I'm Eponine," I continue flatly. "And this is my annoying friend Montparnasse."

"Hey!" he protests, but Cosette has already let out a small smile.

"Let's get you inside."

I extend my hand, but she hesitates. God, if this girl is scared of me, I can't imagine what she must be thinking about my parents.

"Come on," I snap, grabbing her hand forcefully.

I start dragging her out the woods as Montparnasse just follows us, laughing.

"What?" I hiss.

"Nothing," he giggles.


"It's just that... You have such a way with friends it's almost laughable."

"She is not my friend."

I can feel her hand tense. I don't care, though. She's not my friend, that's the truth.

"Eponine Thénardier!" I hear my father bark as we turn the corner onto our street.

"Gotta go," Montparnasse announces, quickly taking off. "See you tomorrow, Ep!"

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath. Well, here it goes. I hope my father teaches her a lesson about not taking off. It has been a real pain running after her. But as I look up and see his angry face, I'm suddenly unsure as to whom he's really angry at. Her for running off, or me for not finding her before nightfall.

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