Chapter 2 familiar faces

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I drew Kenny

698 words

Clementine rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't seeing things wrong. There was a man in front of two women, He had a green coat a dirty white shirt underneath it, he also was wearing blue jeans and brown boots. He had an eye patch over his left eye but he looked odd without a little orange cap on his head it was Kenny. Clementine did not recognize The girl to the right of him but the girl to the left was Christa.
Clementine put her knife in her pocket and ran towards the two familiar faces. Kenny embraced her with a big hug. a
After his release, Clem turned to Christa gave her a hug just as big. "Wait you know these people?" Marlon said just before he put his bow down on a bench next to him. "Well anyone clem trusts I trust!" Louis stated confidently with Chairles still proudly on his shoulder. Violet looked at Louis "looks like someone likes Clem." She knows he likes Clem, it's obvious he likes her, the way he acts around her is a dead giveaway. "Can you not!"Louis shot back. everyone in the school chuckled. After Clementine let go of her hug with Christa, she looked back at Louis and gave him a shrug.
"Lunch is done, oh and you guys can sit at that bench I made extra food for today anyway," Omar said while looking at the three new people And pointing at the bench closest to the wall. Christa nodded and looked at Clementine "So did you ever make it to Wellington?" "Well me and Kenn-" Clementine was interrupted by Kenny
"Wait Clem.. where's Aj is he.. you know?"
Clem was about to respond When Aj said something "I'm alive and who are you?" Aj asked "oh my god you're alive!" Kenny was looking at Aj
"where's his hat?" "My hat?" Aj looked at Clementine confused. "Well this is Kenny I've told you about him he had a hat and he told me to give it to you when you were old enough." She took her backpack off and looked through it, she took Kenny's dusty old hat out of the backpack Swiped some dust off of it, and handed it to Aj "here it's yours now your old enough for it."
Clementine softly said to the boy
"Oh and this is my fourth girlfriend her names, Jamie." Kenny said "Jesus, Kenny you get around." everyone moved to the benches Kenny was sitting to the right of Clementine and Jamie was sitting to the right of Kenny and Christa was sitting to the left of her, Louis was across Clementine while Marlon and brody were sitting next to Louis. Vi, Willy Tenn, and Aj were at the other table.

"Anyway Christa, me, and Kenny did get to wellington but they didn't let him in they didn't have enough space but some bandits raided it, I got away with Aj. Christa nodded and finished her food and started to stand up "hey where do you think you're going? We are playing a game." Louis said in a dramatic voice while grabbing a deck. Of cards from his pockets. Violet walked over to the table and sat next to brody. What's the game today?" Marlon asked. "War." Louis said while shuffling the cards and handing them out to everyone "everyone flips a card, highest card asks a question, and the lowest card answers"
Everyone nodded and flipped their cards Kenny got the highest and Marlon got the lowest "so what happened to your hair?" What? Why does everyone say that, I look cool!"
Louis chimed in "if cool looks like a dead cat then yes your hair looks cool." They got to around round twelve and Kenny had to admit that he bashed a man's head in with a crowbar, and clem had many sad and funny flashbacks. Louis got the high card and Clem got the low card. Louis took a long breath "so do you.. like like anyone here?" Kenny was shooting a death stare at Louis. "Like like, are you six?" Violet joked "seven actually." He joked back. "I um I guess so."

Hey guys, I'm sorry if this one was short I don't know if you want short or long chapters. And also Kenny and Christa are back! I've never actually have seen a clouis book with Kenny returning. do you guys want the focus to be more on Kenny and Christa or Clouis I'm not sure what I want if I'm honest.

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