Chapter 18 Death to the Lovers

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Louis's eyes widen as he sees the mark. "Oh my... holy shit." Louis studdered. "Louis, what's wro-" Clementine stopped herself as her mouth gaped. "Louis, don't... don't tell me that's... a bite." Clem looked back to the dread head's face. "Bite?" Violet gasped. Ajs face scrunched up as he looked at Violet. "You did that! If you just jumped yourself, he wouldn't have got bit!" Aj exclaimed. "I'm... I'm so sorry, Louis, I just... oh my god." Violet shuddered, struggling to find the correct words.  "We just gotta keep moving, we'll deal with that later." Clem frowned.

The four's footsteps crunched the snow underneath their boots as they dodge the grasp of the walkers. They come across a fence. "Louis won't be able to climb this." Clem gritted her teeth. "Why not?" Louis turned his head. "Because you got bit you're already limping, you are not climbing this!" Clementine's eyes softened when she realized the reality of the situation."Get Aj over." Louis winced.  Violet Nodded and was successful in boosting the child. "Clem, you next." Louis held his leg. "No, Violet you go over." Clem objected. "Clem, I want you safe!" Louis countered. "THIS IS NOT A DISCUSSION!" Clem snapped while almost throwing Violet past the fence. "We'll meet you at the school!" Violet assured as the dead started to close in on the separated adolescents.

Louis was already limping through the snow as Clementine stayed close to the boy, Killing any walker that got too close. They rushed through the snow-covered trees. The groans of the dead followed them through the woods as Clementine tried to think of what the hell they were going to do. An idea popped into her head. James's barn The girl thought. Louis felt weak, it was getting harder for him to move so Clementine gave him the axe as a makeshift cane.

After a fifteen-minute walk, they came across the decaying barn. "Over there!" Clementine exclaimed. "Come on Lou, you got this." Clementine whimpered desperately. Louis felt another tug at his leg and he swiftly fell to the ground with a grunt. "F-fuck!" He breathed through his teeth when the walker climbed over the top of the dread head. "Louis!" A gunshot caused the walker to collapse and topple from Louis. Clementine helped Louis up from the ground as The groaning gets louder and closer. She walked side by side with him for the next few steps inside the barn. The blood-stained snow was crunched as the wandering dead hobble toward their next meal.

Clementine entered the now empty barn and closed the main entrance, it was a faded red with dead greenery infesting the building, the snow piled up over the top of the barn as well. "Clementine's eyes widened when she saw that the four stables were all open letting the walkers move freely. She rushed to the first closing it with no problem. Clementine then dashed over to the second stable door and attempted to close it. A walker had its decaying hand in between the cold, baron outside and the inside of the barn. Clementine opened the door and The walker fell to her feet. She used this to her advantage and swiftly swung her knife into the deadhead's skull, making its brain resemble scrambled eggs more than grey matter.

 She glanced over to see that there was already a walker inside of the barn and it was going straight for Louis with an arm outstretched. The dread head took a step forward to swing at the creature but fell to the ground in exhaustion. "" Louis panted as the walkers, dead, white eyes stared mindlessly at the boy. Then an arrow found its way into its skull dropping the creature dead.

Louis scooched back and leaned onto the wall, still panting. This bite was taking a toll on the poor boy. Clementine was able to close the third door with relative ease. Three groaning, rotting walkers made their way into the barn through the fourth stable door. 
C-clem, behind you." Louis weakly pointed towards the walkers. The girl swung her view to see the dead shuffling her way. Clementine kicked the first one and pushed the second walker out of the way. she then grabbed the third walker by the neck and stabbed through its skull. The first one was still on the ground and the second regained its balance and was reaching for her. She kicked its knee and stabbed it, a nice trick she learned a while ago. She put the last walker down and closed the final door, they were safe for now.

Louis was pale and he took shuddering breaths as Clementine took weary footsteps toward him. "Hey, Clem." Louis chuckled. Clementine gave no response. "I could have saved you." Clementine furrows her brows. "No, you did what you could, that whole situation was just fucked." Louis reassures. Clementine looks at the dreaded with sad eyes. "better me than you getting bit." Louis looks down at his outstretched legs. looking at the bite, it was messy and, dark crimson oozed from it. Clementine grabbed that axe that Minerva had tried to kill them with.

 "I thought you would be the one who wouldn't die." Louis frowned at Clementine's comment. "Really? out of those guys, I'm defiantly the one to die first." Louis joked. Clementine rolled her eyes at the bad-timed humor. "Anyway, just be safe with everyone that made it live, Clem. You can take care of Aj in a safe place, not on the road." both of the kids now had tears rolling down their faces. "Oh and before you put that axe into my skull I wanted to say something. And I know that this is super Cliche but... I love you." Clementine's eyes widen and her mouth lays slightly agape. Her face soon returned to its normal state. "I love you back." She whispered. she leaned in and closed her eyes, her lips landed onto his for a couple of seconds then she pulled away. "I really do," Louis smirked.  "Well, I guess it's time."

Clementine raised the axe over her shoulder. while Louis's short life flashed before his eyes. The first memory he had was when he was around four or five, it was just a little stroll in the park with his dad. but then things took a darker turn. he remembered that he didn't get those piano lessons. "You can be happy or you can be rich, you can't be both. rung through his head on a loop. He remembered the violent screaming match his parents shared. "I'm ashamed to call you my son." His father would say. his next memory was his drive to Ericson's boarding school with his mom. it was silent. then he remembered the constant bullying from the other kids and even some teachers. The first friend he made was Marlon he didn't make fun of him for losing one of his adult teeth when he was nine, he didn't make fun of him for his then horrible piano skills, he actually encouraged him. And he didn't make fun of him for his horrible relationship with his father.

He then remembered the start of the apocalypse, The panicking between teachers and students while he was oblivious of anything going on, practicing his piano skills. The teachers abandoned the kids almost immediately beside one of the school nurses. Marlon took charge as the leader and protected the school. then he remembered the car crash when he saw Clementine and Aj in that car. when he carried Clem out and brought her back to the school. When he played oh my darling Clementine for her. He remembered Kenny and his protective nature towards Clementine, he was a good person though. Then Marlon admitting that he traded the twins. Then Christa getting killed and the fight on the boat, the loss of Kenny. The fight on the bridge him getting bit then maneuvering to the barn and now, where he sits with Clementine towering over him with an axe. his thoughts were interrupted when Clementine swung her axe towards Louis.

Hey guys! that's the end of the second to last chapter! This book is almost done!

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