Chapter 7 aftermath

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Walkers were flooding into the wide-open gates, getting picked off by the kids. all of the delta members were gone, retreating to wherever their base was. after all of the walkers, heads were pierced with arrows the entire school exited the front doors into the war-torn courtyard. there was fire littered across the yard and half of the gate was knocked off of its hinges, that was gonna be fun to fix.

"Shit... how many did they take?" he was too focused on Violet, Omar, and Aasim getting taken that he didn't even notice that Clem was crouched over the now dead body of her old friend, Christa. Louis looked down at Clem who just ignored his question. he could hear the girl's light sobs, her tears lightly splashing onto the carcass. he didn't realize that the walker he killed was Christa he felt bad in a way but he told himself that he saved her. Clementine looked up at the boy, tears still flooding her soft golden eyes, she was still holding onto the body. Clem let go of Christa and the body hit the ground with a small but noticeable thud.

Louis was towering over the curly-haired teen, which was still staring at the caved-in head of Christa. Clementine stood up and looked over at Louis, the boy took her by her arm and pulled her into a deep embrace. she sobbed into the deadhead's chest, soaking his brown trench coat. Mitch, Willy, and Ruby started cleaning up the mess, and Brody and Marlon were talking about something inaudible to everyone else. Kenny and Jamie noticed that Clem and now Louis was crying, Clementine started to calm down but was still crying profusely, and Louis only had a few tears that had escaped his eyes. Kenny walked over to the two,

"what's wro-" the man stopped himself when his eyes landed on Christa or what remained of her. "oh my... Fucking... goddammit!" Jamie dropped to her knees and started to sob over the body. Kenny wrapped his arms around Louis and Clementine. " Clementine, Shes... she's with Omid now." the three let go of each other although Clem wanted to stay in the embrace with Louis. Kenny turned to Jamie, picked her up moved to the couch next to the campfire, and tried to calm her down. Clementine turned to Louis "do you know where Aj is?" "I think he's in Tenn's room, Clem," Louis responded softly. "Can you sleep in my room tonight?" Louis was surprised at the question as his eyes slightly widen. "well I don't want Kenny to kill me." Louis responded, "we're not gonna... you know." " I know," Louis said with a small chuckle." I think Kenny will give you a pass this one night." Clem whispered.

Louis took her hand and entered the school, guiding her through the creaky overgrown halls to her dorm. Kenny didn't even notice honestly, he wouldn't even care if he did, there was so much shit going on. Louis creaked open the door that was blocking them from Clementine's dorm. Louis took off his classic trench coat and set it down on Clementine's Dresser. Clem removed her hat and did the same. they both slipped into bed, Clem facing Louis who was closest to the wall. there was a peaceful silence before Clem spoke " Thank you.. for coming here" Louis smiled "no problem." "I just need to sleep after that happened." Clem held back some tears and cuddled up with Louis. "Goodnight." "Goodnight."

Rounds were whizzing past both Clementine and Christas heads. "Get back here you bitches you owe us!" we heard the screams of those bandits that have been chasing them for the past three or four months. the group that girl was with, that girl that killed Omid. Christa was holding the baby rushing close behind Clem. A man we have been traveling with, the man that helped birth the baby was killed quickly after the birth. they rushed into the woods but the bandits were catching up, a bullet skimmed by Christa's hand and she dropped the child on accident the kid hit the floor with a thud she erupted into a ball of fit, sobbing audibly on the ground. one of the bandits was towering over the crying child next to Clem and Christa.

the bandit grabbed the child with one hand and aimed his pistol at Christa with the other "this is what you owe us, another survivor. I will let you go If you let me take her." Christa didn't know what to do. In a confused state, she agreed to the deal and let him leave. She thought maybe her child would be safer with them, many protests from Clementine later they were let free with one less member.

Clementine woke up calmly when she realized she was still being held by Louis. she Admired his resting face. The light freckles that littered his jaw and collar, the dreads hanging from the top of his head which were scattered messily on his pillow, and his fairly big nose, pushing air in and out, tickling her cheeks. The girl turned over to inspect the room before she got up. The rays of sunlight were pushing through the Window panes semi blocked from the wooden boards that were scattered over the window. She looked over to the Trench coat that was still hanging from the dresser to the left of her, and then over to the door which was securely closed.

She attempted to get up from her bed but was stopped by something. Louis laughed and hugged her tighter from behind. "how long were you awake?" Clem asked, " a couple of minutes before you started to admire my beautiful face." Louis responded. Clementine Scoffed and sat up now that she was free from Louis's grasp. Clem stood up as did Louis, Putting her trademark hat on her head, Louis grabbed his coat and wore it happily. They almost forgot about what happed the day before, the death of Christa.

when Louis swung open the school doors they were again hit by a cold breeze like the night before. Winter was coming soon and that was not a good thing. They saw that Kenny and Jamie were in the graveyard. Apparently, Jamie and Christa were good friends before Clem was reunited with them again which explained why she was such a mess. "hey Lou, I think it would be best if you stay out of this one, I'm going to the graveyard." "Alright, Clem" Louis wanted to get some target practice in. Clem moved over to the sad sight of Kenny and Jamie, The body was not buried yet but they had a hole ready.

" hey, guys." Clem said in a sad tone. "you want some help... with the body?" "That would be just fine," Kenny said, not even looking at the girl. Kenny dropped his shovel onto the ground, looking at Christa. " you can take it" Kenny said still in a depressing tone. the middle-aged man grabbed her corpse bridal style and laid her down in the three of four-foot hole they had managed to create overnight. Jamie Grabbed her shovel as Clementine reached for the one Kenny dropped. " I've done enough... for now, you two can finish," Kenny said in almost a whisper. The two girls did their thing, covering up the body and saying their goodbyes, Kenny already said his. "it... just happened so fast... I tried to help but it was too late." Clementine said facing Jamie. "I was just so focused on the walkers. I wish I could've done something." Jamie added.

after the sad situation was done with Jamie went over to Kenny who was all alone in his room, and Clem wanted to see how Louis was doing. The dread head Missed the target over and over again, each time cursing under his breath. He saw that Clem was walking towards him so he put his bow that Marlon actually let him borrow down. "Hey, Clemster." Louis thought of the nickname on the fly. "that's a new one." Clem responded. "Well, I see you are still trash at shooting a bow" Louis snickered at the joking insult. "always have been." "I can teach you... If you want." Clementine suggested. Louis thought for a second before he gave an answer. "you know what, That would be nice" the boy cheered. Clementine swiftly stepped next to him and handed him the Mechanical Bow. The girl taught him the basics and by the end, he didn't entirely miss the whole target.

" good job Lou," Clem said in response to him hitting right next to the bullseye. "Ok practice is over." Marlon stepped next to the target "I will be needing that." Louis scoffed and gave the weapon to his best friend. "Well according to Kenny you, Aj, and Clem are gonna go on a supply run." "Fine by me" Clem added, "Ok so It's settled get ready I guess." Soon after the conversation ended, Louis got his makeshift Bat, Chairels., Aj got his Gun and shiv and Clem had her trusty Hunting knife. The three were at the main gate, ready for the supply run.

Hey guys! sorry about my inconsistent publishing, school is annoying.

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