Chapter 17 A Bridge to Death

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The dread head ran up to Clementine hugged her tightly. "You're ok!" He cried. "Can I breathe, please?" Clem joked. he took the hint and let go. "Get a room." Violet did her signature full-body eye roll "I'm sorry I was just worried about you. But uh where the old man?" he realized seconds after he said that, that he probably was dead." Clementine stayed silent. after a couple of seconds of awkward and somewhat depressing silence. "I uh think... I know what happened." Louis frowned. "Come on we gotta get home," Clementine mumbled, feet crunching the snow as she shifted her position. 

Their walk felt like it lasted for hours, the forest went on for miles and it was getting cold, really cold. the wind poked at their faces, their exposed noses and cheeks were red from the temperature. Clementine held Aj close and Louis had his arm around the girl wearing that iconic hat. "When did you two get together." Violet snarled, looking toward the trio while holding herself in an attempt to shield herself from the cold.  "Right before you went and got yourself captured." Clem shot back a little too aggressive for her own liking. Violet rolled her eyes as she kept moving. "I had a pet turtle named Geoff." Louis randomly stated. Clem and Aj slowly turned their heads to the dread head. "Uh, that was random." Clem raised a brow. "The Dumbest shit goes through my head when I think I'm about to die." Clem's interest was now pointed at Louis. "and there is always something new, Like this time I remembered that, before the walkers, My dad was planning on getting a house built. and I begged him to put a skylight in. And he said that if I got straight A's he'd do it." Louis chuckled, adjusting his coat. 

"Anything else?" Clem feels a smile creeping up her lips. "Uh, Let's see, My grandma's favorite color was Green, I am horrible at dancing, and when I was like three I had an afro." Louis claims dramatically "I would chop off a leg to see three-year-old you." Clem laughs. Violet is still rolling her eyes in the background. "And That house I wanted the skylight in, I think I would want it purple." Louis looks over to Clementine. "Purple? Is that your favorite color?" Clem asked. "No, it's just that you never really see purple houses," Louis says, adjusting his coat. "Of course you would say that." The girl smiles. "I know what Colour it is but how many floors?" Louis looks down at the girl. Clementine paused for a couple of seconds to think."  "Hmm... Nine hundred and fourteen!" She jokes. Louis keeps his gaze. "That's outrageous." he raises a brow. "I know." The girl looked at the snow-covered ground. "I love it." He finishes. "Anyway, I'm starting to imagine the place but we need one final little flair," Louis asks. "How were your grades?"  "They would've been straight A's." "Well, it looks like we're putting in a skylight." Clem smiles.  "Thanks, dad." Louis jokes. Clementine just gave the dread head a weird look and then laughs it off.

after a little more walking, the four come across a bridge. This bridge was rickety and wooden also overgrown as everything in this world was at this point. They noticed that a truck was blocking the way. "Well if this isn't a death trap I don't know what is." Louis looked around the covered bridge. They climb over the pickup truck with somewhat ease. The four see that the bridge is broken, there is a gap in between where they stand and the other side holds a huge punishment for anyone who falls. "Well, that's perfect." Violet lets out a sarcastic growl. "We should be able to jump-" Clementine was interrupted by a faint voice coming from the hill they had just walked.  

"Never mind the darkness, never mind the storm, never mind the blood-red moon. The night will be over soon, the night will be over soon." A voice sang softly. A figure emerged from over the hill. It was female, with red hair piercing blue eyes, and a fire axe over her shoulder. She had a bite on her cheek and one on her forearm. "Minne?" Violet questioned softly. "Violet you can come with me, we can get Tenn, we will be together we can leave this horrible world alone," Minerva says in an almost evil tone. "Violet, no don't listen to her she trying to kill you!" Clementine snapped. "Don't talk to her, you don't know what's right for her!" Minerva shouts, firing a shot at Clementine. The shouting match attracts a few walkers but they don't care about Minerva, she had Walker guts covering her from head to toe. Louis, Clem, and Aj all duck down behind the truck as Violet stands there in shock. The soldier fires warning shots into the roof of the Bridge, Attracting more of the flesh craving dead. 

Soon there was a herd of the dead, causing the bridge to creak under its weight Clementine had her bow in hand, in an attempt to hold them off while Louis helped Aj over to the other side. Gunshots over The hat-wearing teen, caused her to duck. Soon enough Aj was on the other side. " Violet, Move your ass over!" Clem had no response When Clem went over to start firing at the horde, Minne was on top of the truck, axe in hand. Clem's eyes widened as She jumped down for an attack. Clementine parried out of the way as walkers clawed for their feet under the truck. Minne's weapon got stuck in the wood. Louis held Violet back as she tried to rush to the two. Clementine had her knife in her hand and charged her. Minne pulled her axe out just as Clem swung her knife and was able to dodge the incoming attack. Clem pushed Minne into the truck and she was grabbed by the ankle, the culprit was a walker. Minne fell to the ground with a thud as she got bit again.

"Minne!" Violet screamed. "You get over, I have Violet!" Louis struggled. The walkers were now crawling from under the truck. Clementine jumped, landing on her side, causing her pistol to fly out of her holster, and the axe Minne had fallen in front of Clem. Aj picked up the Pistol. He fired some rounds at the walkers but there were too many to count at its point. "Just Throw her!" Aj yells. Louis turns around and tosses Violet onto the other side. As walkers surrounded the boy. Well, I'm fucking dead. The dread head thought when he felt two walkers hobble to both his sides. He bumped the walker to his left, causing it to fall down the gap. and without thought, he jumped. he was home free, hanging from his hands on the other side of the gap. he felt a tug at his ankle. He looked down to see a walker had a grip on his left foot. "Shit!" He exclaimed in an attempt to kick it off. He was dragged up by Clementine. and the walker had a bullet in its brain.

"Are you okay?" Clem asked, hugging him. "Yeah, I'm good." he looked down at his feet. He couldn't help but notice something. There was a tear at his jeans and under it, there was a mark but not just any mark, it was a bite mark.

Hey guys! I'm evil that's all I'm saying...

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