what happened?

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The art isn't mine it's made by -Denise_Demon-
So they deserve all the credit for it and for the inspiration of this chapter

Shoto's Pov
Mom took me out to the park today I saw a kid with green hair and a blond,
he was a bit angry but otherwise they both were fun to hang around,
the green one had a lot of questions mainly about heroes he was happy to hear we all had the same favorite hero
the blond one on the other hand was  when he learned we had the same favorite hero,
he even gave me one of his favorite action figures, I knew to hide it right away so enjoy wouldn't see

I learned their names Katsuki and Izuku,
I think his mom had a crush on my mom but I don't know for sure mitsuki said we all looked adorable together and Katsuki snapped at her saying to not call him adorable but she just shouted back at him,
I felt so bad for Katsuki he was going to get hurt later for speaking to loudly,
Other than that I had a lot of fun but it ended when mom said we had to go,
we ended up getting sandwiches and headed back to the park to eat all I could think of was with Touya said I looked up at mom she was eating her sandwich wrong but it's fine Im just happy to be here with mom doing something that isn't training, after we finished mom drove us home as we pulled into the driveway I saw Enji walk inside and heard mom gasp,
"what's wrong mama?" Mom ignored me, opting to get out of the car instead,
her hands were shaking as she picked me up, pressing my face into her neck and rushing inside next thing I knew I was laying in bed I know something is up, I'm scared but at the same time I have things to do, I slid out of bed I needed to check on my siblings I don't want them to be hurt because I wasn't there to train.
I ran into my brother I think his name was Natsou. he was in the hallway rushing to head upstairs I asked him where he was going but he sent me to the kitchen to be with Fayumi and told me to cheer her up "hi Fayumi" I didn't want to startle her so I stepped inside light, her hair turned around slightly and she let out a smile, it wasn't genuine but I could tell she was somewhat happy to see me "ah I'm Shoto is your name right? I'm sorry this is embarrassing I've always wanted to properly meet you" she walked over to me after cutting off the stove " what are you doing up I thought mom put you to bed already?" She handed me a cooked noodle and I placed it on my head, " I wanted to check on everyone, what happened today? Mom is sad Natsou is angry you look confused,?" She smiled "hey Shoto don't worry about that okay, but can you help me set this up for Natsou?" I nodded my head and picked up a nearby bowl and settled it on the counter then enji walked into the kitchen, I saw Fayumi tense up " I have to head back to work I'll be back later in the evening you all better be in bed by then" I walked a little closer to Fayumi and watched as he stormed out the front door,
Once he left Fayumi let out a breath of relief " are you okay Shoto?" Fayumi asked while reaching into a drawer full of flower petals, I never really knew why we had it but Natsou liked them alot

611 words

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