Part 11: Cordelia

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I hear Veronica start dancing and yelling, "there's snow outside! Christmas has come!" She starts jumping on the bed to wake me up, and says "Cordelia? Cordelia wake up!!" I told her as my eyes closed "let me sleep! I'm so fucking tired babe..." then she whispered in my ear "if you get up I will pamper you tonight;)" without hesitation I got up quickly and we laughed, God she made me so fucking horny.
We went to  brush our teeth, and take a shower because we had to drive to my mom's house soon, because of Christmas.
We dressed in warm clothes, put the luggage in the car, and set off.

After a few hours we arrived, we rang the doorbell and waited for her to open for us.
I saw Veronica was very stressed, so I held her hand and asked "are you okay?" She answered with a smile yes, even though she said yes I knew she was very stressed.
Fiona, my mom opened the door with a big smile which was a bit suspicious, because she's not exactly Veronica's biggest fan.
She said "what are you standing there bring a hug!"
We brought her a hug, we entered the house and Andre put the luggage in the house.

The house was so beautiful, I felt like as a child even though my mother was an alcoholic in general, but the other witches always cared for me they were like family to me.

This house brought back so many good and bad memories, for me...

We sat with my mom by the fireplace and drank tea and ate cookies, we started taking and talking and talking, Fiona started talking to Veronica I think she's starting to like her.

After a few minutes, Veronica asked Fiona to talk to her alone which was a bit suspicious, as if what they already had to talk about.

After a few minutes, they came back and my mom for some reason would have looked very happy.

Then we went to make cookies for Christmas tonight, in cool shapes.
We laughed and talked a lot, for a long time I did not see my mother so happy.

Then everyone went to shower, and get organized for the evening.

After I finished showering I got dressed I put on make up, I wore some jewelry and went downstairs.

During this time I talked to my mom, and waited for Veronica to arrive.

Suddenly I see it and Veronica goes down the stairs in a red velvet dress, my breath stopped for a moment she looked so beautiful.
Veronica stood in front of me and said "darling, you look amazing" I said "thank you mi amor" and kissed her lips, and I told her "wow you look beautiful darling"

My mother said "you are the most beautiful couple, I have seen a hinted at when you are going to get married" Veronica smiled at me looked into my eyes and said ״soon".

Then we sat down to eat at the table, and ate the food was so delicious.
Then we sat by the fireplace ate the Christmas cookies we prepared before, and drank hot chocolate.

We laughed and talked and then said "I would first of all like to thank everyone here for the invitation״ I said with a smile.

"Cordelia, I want to  first of all thank you for everything, you changed my life from end to end you made them happier I felt like I had something worth living for, and that's you... I still remember the first time I saw you, the mysterious tall blonde woman who captivated me at First sight, I remember our mysterious meeting at a hospital that you did not want to reveal rot me your name, so I would not know who you are. I remember our meeting at the coffee shop, I remember our first sex I remember everything. So what I'm trying to say is..." She told me Cordelia come here, I walked over to her while tears flowed from my eyes, She took my hand and got down on her knees and asked "Cordelia, will you marry me?" My breathing stopped for a minute, I started crying and said "YES! YES I WILL MARRY YOU!!"

She put the ring on my hand, She got up and we kissed for a few minutes and her whole family applauded.

After a few hours everyone went downstairs to sleep, we got to the room, I locked the door and pushed her to the bed, I got on top of her, and told her "let me pamper you tonight".
I started kissing her whole body and making me a big hicky...

Wow the time was already 9am, last night was so crazy I enjoyed so much, soon she will be my wife I'm so excited raising children with the woman I love the most in the world to travel, the world and keep our promise in the library, I woke her up we went to open the presents with everyone, and start planning the wedding...

Finally Veronica's gift arrived, I asked her to read the note aloud.
"My love will be in my hands, not just in my words. When I send my hand seize your hand and lead you in a bright and flourishing field, under a star-filled sky, which we can call our stars, we will walk hand in hand and overcome any obstacle that will stand in our way. My love will be in my touch, not just in my words. On stormy nights, when lightning strikes out ears and the wind blows hard, I will hold you close to me and keep you from any trouble. My love will provide you with protection that will give you refuge from any storm that strikes you. My love will be in all of me, not just in my words- the little things I do that will make it easier for you, even a little, will provide you with the support that everyone needs. I will share everything with you and will happily accept the things you have chosen to share with me. Together we will experience moments of joy and even moments of sadness and help each other find the point of light while there seems to be no more hope."

Without hesitation she did not open the gift she came in my direction kissed me a long kiss. Hugged me and then whispered in my ear "I will always love you my future wife...״ while her tears wet my sweater, I told her "I will always love you too no matter what my future wife, and mother to my future children..." we both cried and hugged to tight it was, the best Christmas I could have asked:))

I hope you enjoyed the episode
More episodes will come soon..
Thanks to everyone who read:)
Love you<3

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