Part 12: Cordelia

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I got up in the morning, enthusiastically and shouted "TODAY I AM GETTING FUCKING MARRIED!!"

I got up of bed and ran to take a shower, took a hot shower, brushed my teeth, put on basic clothes and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

After I finished eating, I saw Veronica I kissed her on the cheek and said "good morning, my future wife".

Suddenly I see full of people starting to organize and tidy, and I start to stress suddenly coming from nowhere full of ashtrays, and stylists to prepare me and Veronica for the special day.

It was already 2pm, so we got to my room fast, because so far we have made a lot of wedding arrangements.

First of all we started with my hair as usual I did beautiful curls.

After we finished with my hair, we started my makeup, this time I decided to go for a more natural look so I did not put lenses in my eyes.
My eyes put a peach-colored eyeshadow, in the skin tone and over a delicate eyeliner and mascara, I was given a drop of blush and shimmer to highlight the cheekbones, and finally I put a gloss in a peach shade.

After I finished the makeup I waited a few minutes, and then one of the stylists came into the room with my wedding dress.

I saw the dress and my breathing stopped, it was a snow-white lace dress with stalk illustrations similar, to the first rain stalks.

Then I put on shoes, white shoes like the dress with crystals reminiscent of the beautiful winter ice crystals, of the United States.

I waited for an hour, and then I heard a knock on the door I opened the door and I see Veronica standing in front of me, she snuck up on me quietly I put her in my room quickly so they would not notice.

She started kissing me and said "you look so beautiful, I'm so excited to be your wife we can finally make all our dreams come true".
Veronica and I planned so many things, travel the world to raise children and more...
I asked about what and I started to get stressed and I thought probably she wants to break up with me...
She told me "darling, calm down" and said "I- I'm- I'm... pregnant" I started screaming with excitement "I'M GOING TO BE A MOM!" I started stroking her belly and kissing her... during all these months, Veronica and I went for pregnancy tests because we really wanted a baby...
I could not believe I was going to be a mother so I was excited, Veronica and I will be able to keep our vow in a few years at the library.

After a few minutes Veronica said, goodbye to me and said "see you at my future wife's canopy, love you with all my heart"

A few hours passed and I waited for my mother Fiona, to accompany me to the canopy a few minutes passed and a few more minutes, she did not arrive so I decided to go down alone just as I left my room I heard screams, I started to stress so I ran there to check what happened I was afraid to open the door, my hand was on the handle for a few seconds and only after a minute I opened that I opened the door I was just shocked.

I have seen so much blood and corpses of innocent people, I walked towards the canopy and saw my mother Fiona standing over Veronica's body, I could not call her mother anymore she ruined my life.
I started screaming and crying endlessly and then I hear a week and sweet voice telling me "Cordelia, Cordelia down here look" it was Veronica she was dying her last words were for me... "I love you no matter what anything here was not your fault I always love you, with all my heart up there I will watch you every day and I will admit that you are fine." She said to me "hey do not cry, promise me you will be strong.״ I told her "I promise" she said "listen to me, I want you to meet someone new that will make you happy, to start a family with." I promised her and said "yes" she told me, "I want you to take my necklace." She laughed and said "do not forget to take care of my library" I told her I will never forget while tears are flowing my eyes, "I promised you I will always love you, you will always be in my heart." Her last word was "always", I said "always" and started bursting into tears, Fiona said "well my work here is over, I did my revenge." I said with tears, in my eyes "she was pregnant, how could you do it" Fiona stopped instead I said "you will not get out of it without revenge" I always carry a gun with me, I took out the gun I advanced towards her and aimed at her head, and said "how it feels now tell me why did you do that?!" She said "I wanted revenge on any member of the Lodge family who deserves to live!" I told her "you know at all what she went though?!! She is not at all, like her family!! You murdered the love of my life, my wife, mother of my children you now pay for it!" The other witches helped me and supported me. I told her "the only thing I want to tell you before you die, is that you were mom's shit and you deserve to rot in hell. I can not call you mom anymore, you're a monster and you've never been my mom." I shot her in the head, and went to get organized with the other witches, to burry Veronica.

After she was buried, the witches left me alone to talk to her so I decided to read our vows, from the wedding.

"N, I need you to know, I do not say these things lightly. After much consideration and soul-searching, I am certain that I am ready to make this kind of commitment!

V, my love, I promise to hold you lightly, but firmly as we venture thought life together.

I promise to care for you when you are sick and celebrate with you in health.

I promise to remember that our highest values of community, spirituality, justice, environment, and levity always come before & above material possessions.

I promise to hold my dreams and to encourage you in holding yours as we build new ones together.

I promise to laugh often and pull together during hard times. I promise to work to be my best, most authentic self, every day.

My love, you have changed my life.

You have taught me to love with abandon and to take the risk of vulnerability.

I love you- not only for what you are but also for what I am when I'm with you.
Not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are helping me make of myself.

You have been my companion on adventures and a confidant for my soul.

You have challenged me to see greatness in myself and have celebrated my successes---great and small.

You have inspired me to be a better, more generous and loving me, and have believed in me when I have not believed in myself.

I love you for the part of me that you bring out, I love you for putting your hand into my heaped-up heart And passing over all the defensive, hurt things that you couldn't help dimly seeing there, And for drawing out into the light all the beautiful belongings that no one else had looked quite far enough to find.

I want to laugh, cry, plan, adventure and live a zestful life with you.

This commitment is very serious to me. I am so very happy to be standing here today.
Always yours Cordelia<3."

I did not stop crying on her grave for hours, until it's time to go I missed kisses for for touches for everything...

This is the end of the story, and there will be a sequel soon about Cordelia's life...
I hope you enjoyed the episode<3
Thanks to everyone who read:))
Love you<33

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