Other Territory

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Iyana sat in her bed reading, with a smile. It was that afternoon after she stood up for herself and her people in class. She hoped that this would clear up everything that was being said about her throughout the campus.

Jaenay came out of the restroom with a dress and heels on. "And where are you going?", Iyana chuckled. Jaenay danced around the room saying,"Girl, I'm going to a dorm party, You should come too.". "No,", Iyana said,"I'm really not the party type." Jaenay helped Iyana out of her bed and faced her to the mirror. "Well not dressed like that you're not."

Jaenay had given Iyana a dress to wear. Iyana thought it was too revealing for her so the put on a cardigan and changed from heels to matty girl boots. "You look good. Hey, I saw you looking at that white boy." Iyana was in the middle of combing her hair, when she stopped and said,"You too? Whites aren't any different from blacks. He was kinda cute.", then she laughed. Jaenay took her by the shoulders,"That is matthew's brother, Landon."


SWV played loud through the speakers when the two girls walked though the curtain of beads into the dorm. There were so many people in that little room all jumping around. But still it was segregated. There was one large white section, one large back section and a border line area between. Jaenay pulled Iyana to the black side but she didn't come. "I'm gonna be right here.", Iyana said sitting int the border line section.

Tyreke came up to her and grabbed her by the waist. "Hey, cookie let me show you to some people.", he said pulling her off but again she didn't move. "I'd rather not." With the person her brother had become, she didn't want to meet any of her brother's friends. He looked at her like she was another person and walked off.

"Gum?", a male voice asked. Iyana looked up and saw Landon holding out a stick of gum. She didn't realize it but a smile came to her face. She was glad to see someone who wasn't trying to pull her into a race. Iyana took the piece of gum and asked,"Now what is your name; Lately all I have is gum chewer." He laughed and told her his name was Landon and she told him her name was Iyana. He sat down next to her.

"That was pretty ballsy what your did in American History." "Yeah I guess considering I was talking to your brother.", she replied. He turned to Iyana and now his leg was touching hers. "Im nothing like my brother. Actually the exact opposite, and he's an asshole." Iyana laughed and Landon went on,"So why are you just sitting here?" Iyana answered,"I'm not the partying type of girl." "That's too bad." he replied.

"Landon, why are you talking to her?", Matthew said pushing his way through the tightly packed crowd. Landon stood up in front of Iyana. By then Tyreke showed up after hearing all the drama. "You don't need to protect her. Both of y'all need to step.", said Tyreke. Stepping in front of Iyana.

Iyana then pushed Landon and her brother aside and told Matthew,"Your brother can talk to whomever he wants to and that happens to be me. Like you gon jump. Like my brother said, step." Iyana was right. Matthew wasn't the type of guy to punch a girl. He agrilly turned around and walked away. "Landon, it was nice meeeting you though, maybe we can talk later." "Come on, Iyana.", Tyreke called.

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