Family Favorite

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Iyana groaned as she woke up in bed. She grabbed she sheets to throw them aside but then realized they were satin. She opened her eyes but then squinted back from the sunlight. She could see a purple satin sheet and a pillow on the floor. She pushed her body up and rested on her elbows and smiled at the beautiful room.

"Did you sleep well?", Iyana saw Landon asking when she turned around. He was leaning on the wall in the doorway. "Yeah, I did and I will.", She replied and put her head back down. He rushed over and picked her back up. "No pretty girl. We're eating breakfast.". "You all eat together and this early?", She asked groaning again. "Yep.", he replied,"and put on something really nice.

Iyana rolled out of and moved ruffled hair out of her face. She thought What is she talking about wear something nice. But then she realized what Landon meant. When she opened the closet door, she saw her clothes but then new clothes, definitely designer. She looked down and there were more shoes: heels flats, and boots, also beautiful. Iyana picked out a red sweater and black pants and black boots.

Iyana then looked up and saw a note in Landon's handwriting:Look in the top drawer of your dresser, beautiful. Breakfast is at 7:00. She smiled at the note and said,"Now what are you planning?". She walked over to the dresser and was about to open it but then she saw she clock change. 7:20. she ran down the hall and stairs and stopped not knowing where to go.

She saw James walking down the hall, and ran towards him. She tripped and fell into the door which luckily and unluckily was to the dining room. She fell into the room and landed on a chair. Iyana then bumped her head on something hard and and fell to the ground.

She scurried up and started to apologize,"I'm sorry, I'm sorry.". She rounded the chair and saw it was Mr. Carter. He didn't look like he wanted to hear anything from her so Iyana just sat down. She sat down next to Mrs. Carter. "It's OK.", she whispered.

They sat quietly and all that could be heard were clanging utensils. Iyana looked up and Matthew was shaking his head with a smirk on his face. Iyana face darkened and Landon shouted out,"Okay! Iyana and I are gonna go.", to release the tension. Iyana looked confused but Landon took her hand and led her out the door.

Landon opened the passenger door and motioned for her to get in. "And where might we be going?", she asked getting in. Landon closed the door and Leaned on the windowsill. "You were not going to stay in there all day.".

Landon drove for about twenty five minutes through the snow. When the car stopped, Iyana saw cabins and people in bundled up clothes. She looked up and saw a conveyor belt of seats and people jumping off.

"Skiing?", Iyana asked,"Landon I've barely ever seen snow!". "Well there's a first time for everything and I'll lead you through it all. As long as you trust me?", Landon asked. "Yeah, I trust you.", Iyana replied.

Iyana, shaking, put on her skis and took her poles. She sat down next to Landon on the ski lift. He laughed at how nervous she was. He put his arm around her and rubbed her saying,"Just remember what I told you. We practiced over by the smaller hill. You did great.".

They got to the top of the slope and Iyana bit her lips and shook her head no. "Come on.", Landon said and gave her a light push. Iyana pushed the poles against the ground and she was off. She lead side to side and all the jitters went away.

When she got to the bottom, she turned to side and stopped . Landon came after her saying,"You were great! Faster than me!". Iyana jumped up and down in excitement like a little girl. He picked her up and swung her around.

They went home and all the way there Iyana couldn't stop talking about how she loved the rush skiing gave her and describing the feeling she had. They got home and Iyana was still going on. She stopped when saw Mr. Carter standing there with his arms folded. "Uh...I'm gonna go to the restroom.".

When Iyana was gone, Mr. Carter asked,"Did you forget about The lunch that we were supposed to have with the McKnights?". Landon sighed and shook his head yes. "Why are you so uptight about this?", Landon asked. "The family needs to be together this Christmas.", He replied and stormed away.

That Night...

Iyana knocked in the door and he said come in. He was playing, more like playing with, a guitar. "I didn't know you played guitar.", Iyana said. "Not that much.", Matthew replied and put it down. "You don't have to stop for me.", Iyana said but he didn't pick it back up. Iyana continued,"I thought your room would have been covered with Nirvana and Foo fighters stuff, swastikas, but blue is a nice color.", and sat on his bed.

He got up and took off his shoes and went into his bathroom and turned off the light. While he was in there, Iyana saw a picture on Matthew's dresser. She walked up to it and could see the words Chris and Matthew: True Brothers. They had their arms around each other with their thumbs up.

She picked it up and said,"That's the guy you got to rape Jaenay.". He took off his shirt and answered,"I don't know what your talking about.". Iyana sat back down on his bed and watched him change his shirt. He walked over and tried to throw the covers over but Iyana was sitting on them. "Get up.", he said.

"Oh you know what I'm talking about. And isn't it funny that at college you're such a bad ass and here it's completely different?", Iyana teased.

Matthew leaned over and said,"The more you piss me off, the more I can complain to my parents. You already took Landon away from dad today, which really pissed him off, so thanks for doing today's job. I'm not exactly the family favorite, but now that your here, things are beginning to change. Now get up and go to your room princess.".

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