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Tyreke walked to class along with Iyana, Jaenay and his friends. News had spread of what happened last week and now everyone was fearful, blacks and whites. Blacks didn't know when whites would strike again and whites didn't know if the blacks were gonna retaliate. But Iyana was definitely going to do something about it.

After their American History class, Iyana went up to professor Smith and asked him for a favor. "There's something I need your help with. Well two things. I wanna start this club but I need a faculty sponsor and I know you know what Matthew has done over the past week." "And what do you wanna do about it?", He asked pushing her to express herself.

She replied,"I want people to be able to have a resting place from all of this commotion. That's what the club is for. I want people, students black and white, to be able to come and converse over more important issues than what's going on in this race war. I also need you to help me get Matthew justice for everything he's done. And your the only one who can get the access to the information we need and is willing to help me. So can you help me out?". "Love to.", he replied and this brought a smile to her face.

Iyana went back to her dorm to tell Jaenay the good news but she found her roommate packing with tears in her eyes. "Jaenay what happened?", She asked stopping her roommate from packing. "My...Daddy died. I have to go."

Jaenay got up and continued to pack and Iyana watched her leaning on the wall. "That's why you got drunk last week.", Iyana said more to make it clear to herself. Jaenay turned around and said,"That night I met a guy. Tyrone. I need you to help me. He...he...." Iyana didn't need Jaenay to finish her sentence to know what he had done. This brought tears to Iyana's eyes and she brought her friend in for a hug. "I'll do any and everything I can."

A Week Later...

Jaenay was still gone at her dad's funeral. Iyana wished she was there to witness the opening of Iyana's club. They were to meet in room 204B of the Turban building. Iyana stepped up to a podium.

"Hello everyone. I'm glad that you all responded to the posters around campus. Some might have felt the same way as we do but didn't have the guts to come so I commend you all for that. Um...This club, Gray, was started by myself because a few weeks ago, My brother was jumped by, well, as you all know, Matthew. But this isn't a safe haven for blacks only but whites too. That's what gray means. And I want everyone to know we're here and taking action. And to tell you about that boyfriend, Landon Carter."

When she said his name there was a light murmuring through the crowd but then they clapped. Landon started,"Yes I know. We're together. But there is something I know. When we first saw each other, we saw people, not a skin color and we want other people to think like that."

But that wasn't true. Iyana felt guilty because when she saw Landon she did take his skin color into consideration, but not in a bad way. Or was it? Landon went on,"Today we are gonna hold a rally. We're gonna tell everyone about this club and that there is no difference between black and white."

At The Courtyard...

Iyana and the rest of the members of Gray passed out flyers and buttons to college students. Iyana said through a bullhorn,"There is absolutely no reason for this race war! Innocent people are being hurt! Everyone needs to get over the thought that our color divides us!" Some people cheered, others walked away to avoid trouble.

Tyreke walked up frequently looking around to make sure none of his friends were there. "Iyana what are you doing?", He whispered. "You saw what they did to you! I thought you would have been up here with me.", she said. "Iyana this isn't cool.". "But It's right.".

Iyana took Landon's hand and her brother was astonished. "What would mom think?", he asked. "I should be asking you that question." Tyreke walked away and a few feet behind him was Matthew. All he could do was shake his head.

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