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Hailey Brown was someone out of this world. That's my opinion and it's all that matters.

Meeting the blonde one I didn't exactly have any intention in it, I was just participating in a Chelsea gathering which Mason brought his best friends, who I thought was his girlfriend but them learned she isn't and actually happens to get along with the entire Chelsea staff and players.

It's understandable, I mean, she's amazing, who wouldn't like the fitness coach, right? Just someone with no brain. She literally agreed to help me out when we haven't even had a conversation that was decent enough since my introvert side was always sticking out, but no doubt she's a huge part of the help I got in getting adapted to the country and new lifestyle I'm living now.

I take a lot of shit from the boys, that's a fact, since starting to hang out with the British girl on almost a daily basis they love to give me a hard time on de locker room or on our gatherings, since they all believe I have feelings for her. It got to the point where there's no escaping from it since Timo decided to spill the gossip to the National team and had the help of Julian, who I of course had shared some thoughts I had about Hails.

Moving here I also ended a relationship, which is one of the main reasons why I tried to deny and push any sort of feeling from the blonde aside. If I was such a bad person to my ex by leaving and everything concerning my job, I don't want to be this for Hailey, and I for sure prefer to have her as my friend than to not have her.

But of course I do enjoy spending time with her and is not because I'm not telling her my feelings that I won't make the most effort to have her hanging out with me.

- You should just tell her - Julian said annoyed at me on the phone

- I'm not doing that, we had a conversation in the past about past relationships and we were pretty much on the same page about focusing on our works - I explained - Plus, is not like she feels it too, I'm not about to make this awkward and risk losing her friendship.

- You don't know that for god's sake. - He said and scoffed - But fine, I'll let this time slide, but don't be scared of it and don't lose your shot. - He said and I just agreed before turning the call off so I could finish changing since Hailey was coming over

See, when I tell you that I'm down to see her as much as I can, that includes her coming over the day before a game and sleeping in the guest bedroom, since Mason normally steals her after games, I need to take every chance I can.

- I'm surprised your house is looking this clean - Hailey said entering my house

- I might have cleaned it today so I wouldn't have you cleaning - I said laughing since every time the blonde came she'd clean something she considered messy in the house - So, what do you want to do? We could order chinese - I said seeing the look on her face

- Did you lose it? You have a game, you're eating the Chelsea diet. - She said pointing at me and I was about to complain - We can eat chinese tomorrow if you want.

- Mason won't kill me? - I joked and she laughed

- What? No, he won't kill a fly. - She said back and I laughed at her

- If someone steal you from him post game you never know. - I said and she rolled her eyes

- Chloe is going tomorrow, I'll just get her to invite him for dinner or something and then none of us will hear about it - She said and I laughed - Now, wanna play FIFA? I suck at it, but it's fun - She said and I nodded smiling

- Just so you know, I'm not the best at it either - I said seating in the couch with the plates of food heated up getting ready to start a FIFA match.


- HAVERTZ - I heard screaming and soon I was awake noticing I had my arms around the blonde girl and that we both fell asleep on the couch - We fell asleep here, you're lucky I woke up or else you'd be late - She said and I felt my eyes bulge as I realized I had to be at Stamford Bridge soon

- Sorry about it - I said taking my arms off her and mentioning it

- It's fine, it was comfortable - She shrugged and I nodded smiling - Now go get ready and get down here in 15 minutes. - She said pulling me from the couch and soon we were both emerging inside the bedrooms we were supposed to have slept on

- I'm ready - She said getting back downstairs and I smiled seeing her with Mason's jersey, would it be better mine? Yes, but is a Chelsea jersey.

- The traitor is finally coming to a game, sensational. - I joked while we ate the brunch she had quickly prepared

- If you call me a traitor one more time I'm not attending this game and I'm not going to eat with you tonight - She said pointing at me and I laughed

- Let's go miss - I said pulling her to my car - I'm driving, no choice - I said seeing she was about to complain that she wasn't the one driving.

One thing about her, she loves her car and she loves to drive it.

- You're lucky I like you - She scoffed getting inside my car and I just smiled at the girl by my side.

The girl that was making me go insane and I couldn't do anything about it. 

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