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London, 30th November  2020.

- Always knew this was going to happen - Mason said staring at me while I trained with Pulisic for his injury

- Who knew we needed Louisa to have a baby for her to step in - Christian joked and I rolled my eyes

Louisa was one of the Chelsea fitness coaches but she got pregnant and just began her 8 month which means her pregnancy license started and after weeks of begging me I was her replacement.

It was the definition of weird, specially since everyone was kinda aware of the change in behavior from Kai and I so I wasn't hearing jokes just about finally wearing the blues uniform but also about how they apparently all knew it would end up in more than friendship.

- Shouldn't you be in training? - I asked Mason who was sat by my side now

- Not really, we have a fifteen minute break, so I decided to come see what kind of hell you're pulling my teammate through.

- Why don't you join him? - I asked pulling Mason towards one of the exercises - Three sets of 20, 10 second break. Get going - I said ignoring his complains while he started doing it since he knew there was no way I was going to back down

- This is a miracle - We heard and looked at the door seeing Frank laughing at Mason since he knew he wasn't schedule

- This is torture - Mason corrected him and I laughed while Christian got up since he was done

- I think you should stay forever - Lampard said hugging me and I laughed since it was something I was hearing left and right since arriving here

- I'll see you guys later - I said taking my break time since they would go into training outside and I wasn't going to be needed.

Christmas was arriving in a few weeks and I was on party duty as always.

The Browns, Mounts and Rices always met up on the 25th since it was hard to put three families plus boyfriends/girlfriends families together and I was lucky enough - irony - to be on duty for both days.


My family would spend Christmas on our house in the city but the plan was to go on the 25th to the getaway house since my grandpa always loved to be there that time of the year, the issue is that when we were younger it was easy, but now we need to increase the logistic and I hate it.

Some of our friends join in and this year Chilly, Tammy and Timo are certain to join us. Tammy and Chilly have been invited by our families during one of international break when they showed a lot of interest and excitement about it, Timo was a late guest since only his parents and sister would be joining him and we thought would be nice for them.

Kai was the current doubt for me, I don't know his family and he also haven't mentioned anything regarding me meeting them when they arrive for break, so the invite wasn't made and there were high chances to not even be made. At least not by me.

- What's on your mind? - I heard Kai say behind me kissing my cheek

- Nothing really, just Christmas stress, Mason and Declan are almost no help - I joked and he smiled hugging me - Are you done?

- Yeah, but I know you still have a little meeting so I'll wait for you - He said placing himself next to me while I got up to meet the rest of the fitness team and the manager

- You really don't have too, go get some rest. - I said back since I knew he was tired

- I'm waiting, don't worry about it. - He insisted and I nodded pecking his lips and leaving the room and getting inside the meeting room.

London, 4th December 2020.

- Dec what you doing here? - I asked opening the door to my best friend who smiled with a list on his hand

- Our amazing family sent us tasks to complete, therefore we're completing some today. Let's go, Mason is busy - He said and I rushed to my room to get a jacket and put some sneakers

- How do you do this every year? - He asked confused in the middle of one of the stores we needed to rent stuff from

- I normally only do my family celebration, I only help out a little with this one, never had to fully do it until now - I explained looking through some of the table arrangements they had available

- This look as bad as it is then we're fucked - He said and I looked ironically at him

- You mean I'm fucked, you guys are not that much help - I said and he smiled sheepishly at me - But Kate is helping so that will be great - I said mentioning my best friend

- Mom mentioned something about them all going, is it true?

- Probably, they're our neighbors by plan and I think this year they might be in there unlike last year - I explained - I hope so at least, I miss them.

- I can see us being ignored - He said dramatically

- You guys will have your football friends - I joked and he pushed me

- Your friends too - He said

- Whatever. 

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