Chapter 1

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Deku's POV

I woke up to warm arms wrapped around me. I look over to see a sleeping Tomura. 'Cute...' I think to myself. "Shiggy~ wake up~" I say, gently shaking him. "Mmm no." He snuggles closer to me. I chuckle at this. "Baby, wake up. You gotta announce missions today. You promised the league." I remind him. "Hmm, nah. Imma sleep." Heh, adorable. "Wake up." I say, sitting up.

I finally got him up. Yes, it took thirty minutes, but he's up now.

We get dressed and make our way to the bar. Once there, we both sit on a stool. I ask for water, he asks for coffee. Kurogiri, the mom of the league, gets our drinks and greets the others, who were starting to come in. "Mornin' Izu, Shiggy!" I hear Toga call, somewhere behind me. "Good morning, Himi." I reply. Shiggy just takes another sip of his coffee and waves. "Did ya sleep good, Burnt Chicken Nugget?" I hear Uraraka ask. Heh, just like Toga. "Don't call me that, Floaty." I chuckle at the way they say the nicknames. "Oi, it's time for y'all's stupid missions." Shiggy said, sounding annoyed. 'He's back.' I think to myself.

Shiggy's POV

'I'm too tired for this crap.' I think to myself, turning around to face the league. I hear Izu giggle. I sigh and continue. "Dabi, your mission is to see if Hawks has any new info in the Pros. Toga, your mission is to kidnap the hero in training, Mei Hatsume. Uraraka, Kaminari, Shinsou, and Izu. Your mission is to hack the security system at UA so me and Kurogiri can sneak in. Everyone got it?" I explain. They all nod. "Good. Now, I'm going back to sleep." I say, getting up. "No way! It took thirty minutes to get you up." I hear Izu complain. "Too bad. I'm tired." I argue, making my way down the hall, to mine and Izu's room. Once inside, I shut the door and flop on the bed. Soon after, I was asleep.

Hey guys! Sorry it's so short. It was kinda rushed! Hope you liked it :D

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