Chapter 10

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Deku's POV
I made my way to his apartment as soon as school ended. No one questioned me. While I was walking toward his house, I felt my phone ring inside my pocket. I pulled it out and answered it.

"Izuku, where are you?"
"Tomura! I.. was heading to one of my classmates houses to study.."
"That doesn't sound convincing"
"Sorry, I won't be here long. Okay?"
"Fine, but please come back soon. We need to talk."

I ended the call. 'Talk about what?' I thought as I reached the apartment. I pushed the thought out of my head and knocked on the door. After a minute, it opened. "Hello, Midoryia. What are you doing here?" He greets me, again, surprisingly nicely. "Uh, I was wondering if we could talk.. about the deadline..?" I tell him, looking him in the eyes. "Hmm, fine. Come in." He moves over, allowing me to enter his house. I walk over and sit at the table, where he joins me after closing the door. "Well? What about the deadline?" Hansuke asks, staring straight at me. "Uhm.. I was wondering if I could possibly get an extension?" I ask, quietly. He remains quiet for a moment before finally answering. "Sorry, Midoryia, but my mind is made up. No extensions." He then kicks me out. Frustrated, I began heading back to the base to see what Tomura wanted. By the time I got there, I had gotten pretty hungry. I enter and saw that Kurogiri and Himiko were cooking. "Hey, guys!" I greet them, smiling. They return the smile. I quickly make my way to mine and Tomura's room, and go inside. "Babe?" I say, entering the room. He was sitting on the bed, waiting. "Hey, Izuku." He says, dully. I walk over and sit next to him. "Are you okay? What'd you wanna talk about?" I ask him, getting slightly worried. He looks at me. "You're.. hiding something. It's obvious. Uraraka told me what happened at school with Bakugo." He tell me. 'Tch.. really Uraraka?' I think to myself. "What.. what's going on with you? I'm worried. We all are." Tomura says. 'What should I say?' I question myself. I could feel my heart beat getting faster. "Uh.. well-" "don't lie to me, and don't try to say you can't tell me. I'm tired of those excuses." He cuts me off. I lower my head. "I'm sorry.. but I really can't tell you." I couldn't look at him. I felt horrible for lying but I had no choice. "Izuku.. do you not.. do you not trust me? Is that it?" He asked me, sadness in his voice. It hurt to hear him say that. "No! No, that's not it at all." I try to reassure him, but he doesn't look convinced. "Then what, Izuku? Why won't you just tell me? I want to help you. Why won't you let me?" I didn't know what to say. But, before I could even respond, everything went black. I recognized this place. It's the abyss. You can only enter here if you have the power given to the Midoyia family years ago. Then, I saw something that broke my heart.


"Izari..? Is that.. is that y-you?"

Lol you probably hate me rn seeing as I haven't updated in so long then had the audacity to leave you on a cliffhanger. I'm sorry 😭 but I've been struggling with some stuff but like- I'm back now 😃 I'll be trying to update my other stories today as well and hopefully I'll be back to updating daily. Tho bc of school it might have to be once or twice a week. I'm not sure yet but I'll keep you updated on the schedule. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this (unfortunately) short chapter. Sorry again 😔

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