Chapter 7

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Deku's POV
'He's on to me.' I think to myself as I walk away. 'Why did I even say Izari..? She's gone....she isn't here...'

While I'm walking, it begins to rain. Then it starts pouring. I let out a sigh. After walking for thirty minutes, I reach the park that's about 10 minutes away from the school. I check the time again. 6:40. I decided to wait until 7:15 to head the rest of the way. That way I'll be about five minutes early, giving me time to think.

By the time 7:15 came, it had stopped raining, but I was still soaked. I got up and made my way to school. I reached it at 7:28. 'So much for being early.' I thought to myself. "Deku!" Someone calls out. I turn around. Kacchan was walking to me but he wasn't the one that called me. Uraraka was right behind him. Uraraka looked anxious while Kacchan seemed mad.

Uraraka's POV
I messed up.

I had arrived early, hoping to talk to Deku before school started. He normally waits for me but this morning he left without saying anything to anyone. I wanted to ask him if he was okay. But, only one other person from Class 1a showed up that early. Bakugo. Turns out, he was also looking for Deku. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that it was none of my business. Not taking no for an answer, I begged him until he snapped. "DEKU HAS BEEN ACTING WEIRD SO IM GONNA GET HIM TO TALK!! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!" He screamed at me. 'Deku has been acting weird lately.' I think. "What happened?" I asked him. "What part of leave me alone do you not get?" He said, glaring at me. When he saw my expression, he rolled his eyes, sighed, and spoke. "Fine. I caught him talking to some strange extra then just this morning I saw him leaving an apartment that I didn't recognize." He said. 'Deku...what are you getting yourself into..' I think to myself.

That's when Deku showed up. "Deku!" I called out. Bakugo was him and started walking towards him. Scared that Deku was gonna get beat up or something, I followed him right over to where Deku was. He looked confused.

Bakugo's POV
I reach Deku and glare at him. "That wasn't her apartment so who the heck's was it?!" I ask, frustrated and tired of his crap. "Hmm? What do you mean, Kacchan?" He asked, innocently. I about smacked him for lying. "You know exactly what. Who's apartment were you at this morning?!!" I say, louder this time. "Uraraka? Little help here?" He asked Pink Cheeks quietly. "U-umm, sorry Deku. He's right...who's apartment were you at?" She responded anxiously. Deku seemed surprised to hear that. "I-" he was cut off by the bell ringing. "This isn't done. We'll talk at lunch. Got it, Nerd?" I say coldly. He just nods. I storm off.

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a bit but I've been really busy that's all. :D

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