Something's off with Izuku Midoryia. Both the LOV and the Heroes have noticed. Deku is working with the LOV as the UA Traitor. Although, Deku has a secret. He was hiding it from the LOV and the Heroes.
Will Deku be able to keep his secret AND compl...
Uraraka's POV Somethings not right with Deku.... I mean, he's acting normal, but I just have a bad feeling. I'm sure it's nothing. Although, all through school, he seemed distracted. And Bakugo kept glancing at him. He looked.....nervous. That's weird. I'm gonna find out what's going on. I have to. For Deku. "Hey, Uraraka! Wanna walk home together.?" Deku asked, pulling me from my thoughts. I smile and nod. "Sure." And we make our way to the base. As soon as we got there, Deku went to change out of the uniform. We all know he hates it. I walk over and sit on the couch. A little later, Deku comes back to the bar. I liked his outfit.
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(Like this but no tattoo)
"Deku! Looks great." I say, smiling. "Thanks, Ura." He plops down next to me.
Then the door opened. Himiko, Dabi, and Shigaraki come in. As soon as Shigaraki seen Deku, he blushed. "Izu, what are you wearing?" He asked. "Himi bought it for me yesterday!" He says happily. I giggle. "Mmmm.....okay." He says.
~Hour later~
Deku's POV Me and Shiggy were in our room, cuddling and watching TV. "Baby, I'm tired." I complain to Shiggy. He turns the TV off and pulls me closer. "Take a nap." He mutters. I smile and bury my face into his chest. "Mkay..." and soon, I was asleep.
Shiggy's POV I stare at the sleeping angel in my arms. I'm lucky to have him. I kiss him on top of the head. I find my eyelids growing heavy. Soon, I was out.
Aaaaaaa too too TOO short. But. I. Had. No. More. Ideas. Plus, my motivation said baii.
I'm rlly tired so ima go to bed. I may update one more story first. We'll see how much motivation I have left...