Chapter 3

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Deku's POV
I fell to my knees, crying. 'Why is it always me?!' I hear my thoughts scream. I get up, wipe my tears, and head to the base. Once I got there, I went inside. "Hey Izu! Where ya been?" Himi greets me. "Oh! I was, uh, taking a....walk!" I lied. 'I'm a really bad liar.' I silently curse myself. "Okay. But...why did you run out like that?" She's pushing. "It's complicated. Anyways, is Shiggy up yet?" I change the subject. "Yeah, but he's talking with AFO." She tells me. "Thanks!" And I run off. Once I was up the stairs and at Dad's office, I hesitated. Dad and Shiggy always know when I'm lying. I'll just have to be careful. I knock on the door. "Come in!" I hear Dad call. I open the door and step inside. I make sure the door was shut before heading deeper into the room. "Hello, Izuku. Need something?" Dad asks. "Nah, just coming to say hey." I reply, hugging Shiggy from behind. I rest my chin on his shoulder. "Well, hello then." I knew dad could tell something's up. He always does. 'Hello Midoryia. You have a mission soon.' I hear Hansuke telepathically speak to me. 'Fine. Whatever. I'm busy!' I reply, but immediately regret it. 'I'm sorry? Do you want to lose you family?' He sounds mad. I wince before replying. 'N-no. Sorry.' I don't remember him always being so mean but it's whatever. "IZUKU!" My Dad's voice pulls me out of my thoughts. "Huh? Sorry. What were you saying?" I say. Shiggy turns to face me. "Are you okay?" Concern was clear in his face. "Y-yeah! Sorry, I just zoned out." I reassure him. He didn't buy it, but he let it go. "Okay...."

We left the office and headed downstairs. He led me through the hallway and into our room. As soon as he shut the door, he began the questions. "Are you really okay?" He asks me and so I nod. "Then why did you run out like that? I was awake you know." He raises an eyebrow. 'Why does he have to ask so many questions?' I thought to myself. "Babe, I'm fine. Really. I was just late for something, that's all." I tell him. I wasn't technically lying. "Fine..." He finally gives in. I walk over and hug him, nuzzling my face into his chest. I can feel his arms wrap around me.

Hey guys! Sorry it's short. I'm out of ideas. Hope you liked it!

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