Chapter 1: What the f--ront door...

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"What the fuck are we gonna do now?" Bianca asked, wide-eyed staring at the burning schoolhouse. 

"Isn't it obvious? We're gonna die!" Eric elaborated in a defeated tone.

"Why'd ya gotta be like that? God damn, Eric." Michael took another drag from his cigarette and stared at the assembly of strangers whom he has just gotten to know the names of. 

"Maybe if you stop fucking twitching your eye, we can figure something out." James directed to Michael. James was besides himself about what happened about five minutes ago. Now he was taking it out on the others, as if they hadn't gone through the same thing. 

Michael shot up from the curb he was sitting on and attacked James. He was about to pound James' face when Craig grabbed his raised hand and tore Michael off of James.

"Guys, guys, guys! Stop it! Let's not rip each other's heads off. We are not animals." Craig said while everyone listened in. 

Angeline had a tear in her eye. Craig in many ways reminded her of her Uncle Ben, who she was very, very close to; yet, she had only met Craig tonight.

"WHAT A LOAD OF BULLSHIT!" Daniela outright yelled at Craig. "DO YOU THINK AFTER WHAT JUST HAPPENED WE'RE GONNA MAKE A PEACE CIRCLE AND SING KUMBAYA LIKE MS. FLOWER-BRAIDER OVER HERE?!" She said and pointed accusingly at Angeline, then she turned on Craig. She was about to pounce on Craig if it weren't for Jasmine pulling her to the side. 

Jasmine didn't even lift a finger, she pulled Daniela as if she pulled a dress off the rack. It was in Daniela's blood to overeact so there she went. 

"You bitch!" she turned on Jasmine. Jasmine wasn't putting up with shit. With a bored expression she looked to Eric for help, but seeing he wasn't going to move, only cower, she looked to the other boys. Bianca was busy smoking Michael's cigarettes while the boys went over to restrain Daniela. 

Daniela was thrashing around in their arms for five miuntes while everyone sat dumbfounded, staring at the burning schoolhouse. 

This is where I decide to cut in.

Now, I know what you're thinking: What the f--ront door is going on? Well, this scene arised from events that brought these strangers together, a week ago. 

Let's take a look...

*** ~a week prior, Sunday~

>Daniela's POV< 

Although I wish to get up and live the day, I still have a pounding headache from last night. This hangover wasn't gonna go away easily. Where in England could you get a bloody hangover cure? The answer is nowhere.  

I flip over on my bed and instantly regret it. The throbbing came full force so I just let out a groan. I open my eyes and see a man lying there with his eyes closed. Everything is a haze but I'm grateful that at least I remembered what happened at the party and what occurred here in my bed last night. 

I decided to get up and brew some tea. Green tea was preferable, but who knows, my roommate hasn't gone food shopping in over a week, so I would probably get stuck with damn Chamomile. I threw on a t-shirt I found on the floor next to the mattress and went to the lame excuse we call a kitchen. It was a two-burner camping stove with a 50s looking Frigidaire and a mini sink.

Not even five paces there and my phone buzzed with the alert of a new text message. I grabbed it on my way and leaned against the counter waiting for the tea to heat up. 

The text was from Eddy, my ex. It read: hey gorgeous ;) party at millers next sunday ill see u there daniela xx

Eddy has been trying to get back with me for the longest time. The only reason I tolerate him is he occasionally buys me food. Miller's was that old and long-abandoned boarding school next to the river. That place gave me the creeps, but hey, it was a party and I sure as hell wasn't gonna say no. 

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