the party

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Summary:  Ian and Mickey go to a party with the rest of the Gallaghers. Takes place in around season 4, yes I put Mandy and Lip together even though they wouldn't be. Yes I made up a friend for Fiona that's not Vee sorry, people have more than one friend.


"Alright guys party starts at 7. I wanna see all of you there," Fiona says as she leaves the Gallagher kitchen heading for the front door. They all say goodbye as the door slams. Fiona's friend was throwing her a birthday party at her house and all the Gallaghers had to go, well Debbie, Carl, and Liam weren't going because they were too young.

Mickey trudges down the stairs and asks, "Mandy going to this thing tonight too, Lip?"

"Uh yeah. That okay?" Lip asks slightly hesitantly.

"Oh yeah just wondering," Mickey goes up to Ian who's sitting at the head of the table and kisses him on the head. "Good morning," Ian just looks up and smiles as a response. Mickey then goes and pours himself a cup of coffee and sits down with Ian and Lip.

"We all gonna go together like the happy, movie perfect couples we are?" Ian jokes in a shrill voice. Mickey and Lip laugh.

--time jump--

"Alright. Are you guys gonna be okay?" Lip asks Debbie who is in charge of Carl and Liam while they're gone.

"Yeah we're good," Debbie answers calmly.

"Great call me or Ian if you need anything okay. Not Fiona." Lips says moving to the door.

"Got it," Debbie says.

Ian, Lip, and Mandy go outside and they see Mickey pull up in a slightly beat up car. Ian gets into the passenger seat and Lip and Mandy get into the back. Mickey starts to drive and they all just sit there in silence.

"Well this is awkward," Mickey says.

"You're telling me," Lips replies sarcastically. "I'm sitting in a car with my brother, his boyfriend who also happens to be girlfriends-who is also in the car- brother." They all laugh as they are all in the same sort of situation.

They arrive at the party and the house is very loud.

"I didn't know Fiona had this many friends!" Ian says loudly.

"She doesn't." Lip says. They walk towards the house. The house is large and quite nice compared to the Gallaghers and Milkovichs. "Alright then. Let's go." Lip put his arm around Mandy and Ian put his arm around Mickey and then walked up and into the house.

When they got in the house Lip and Mandy went off leaving Ian and Mickey standing there holding hands near the entrance. Some random person looked at them and then looked down at their hands intertwined then looked back up at their faces with a look of disgust.

"I need a beer." Ian says pulling Mickey deeper into the crowded house.

"Me fucking too." Mickey just looks around at all the people as Ian continues to pull him through the crowd. They both filled cups up with beer and moved into a hallway that was just beyond the kitchen.

Suddenly Mandy appears out of nowhere. "Hey come play beer pong with Lip and I!" she practically shouts so they can hear her over the music.

Ian looks at Mickey, "Yeah sure let's fucking do it!" says Ian. They follow Mandy, Ian pulling up the rear.

"Okay so me and Mandy versus you guys," Ian and Mickey took their place at the end of the table and played. Lip and Mandy ended up winning but barely. After they were done they were shoved off because Fiona and Jimmy wanted to play against Kev and Vee. The four who had just played stayed for a bit to watch.

"Hey, Ian" Mickey poked at Ian's arm, Ian turned to face his boyfriend. "Wanna go find a closet?"

"Alright, Milkovich. Let's go!" Ian teases flirtatiously. They walk to the stairs where they go up in search of some privacy. They walked in on two couples before residing to the bathroom. Ian just had time to close the door before Mickey pushed him against it and kissed him hard and rough on the mouth.

"Holy fuck" Ian gets out as Mickey moves down and starts sucking on his neck. Mickey moves his hands down from Ian's back to his front and starts to undo his pants, Ian lets out a soft moan. Mickey pulls down Ian's pants and grabs his erection through his boxers, Ian slips off Mickey's shirt and then his own. Mickey jumps out of his own pants and Ian does the same, he then grabs Mickey and lifts him up and pushes him against the only empty wall. Mickey is straddling him and they continue to make out and stroke eachother's dicks. Ian grabs some lube and uses it and then slips inside Mickey. Mickey lets out a pleasure gasp and Ian lets him get used to it before humping him.

Then the door opens and Ian and Mickey freeze. "Ah fuck!" A random drunk guy yells when he sees what he's walked in on.

"Oh! Fuck! Sorry," Ian says.

"That's a bit gay," the drunk guy jokes.

"Just keep going" Mickey says, not lowering the sound of his voice at all. Ian did what he was told and he heard the bathroom door close. "Fuck Gallagher! I'm close! Keep fucking pounding me," Mickey says through grunts and moans. Ian, once again does as he was told, Mickey's grunting louder with every thrust. "Fuck I'm gonna cum!"

"Me too" Ian grunts. Mickey screams and cums all over Ian's and his own stomach and Ian fills him up five seconds after.

"That was great Gallagher," Mickey says after he has both feet on the ground again. Ian turned to the sink on the other side of the room and started to clean the jizz off his stomach when Mickey flipped him around to face him and passionately kissed him.

"I love you, Ian" Mickey says now staring into Ian's eyes, hands lingering on his face.

"Aw I love you too, Mickey" Ian says squeezing Mickey's ass. The door to the bathroom opens again and the two boys stand there, naked and frozen together.

"Shit sorry!" It's Mandy this time. Ian is slightly surprised Mickey didn't back away but I guess he realized his sister would see more if he did back away.

"You couldn't lock the fucking door Gallagher?" Mickey says exasperated.

"Nice hickey, Ian." Mandy says before Ian can respond.

"Oh, yes! A lovely gift from your brother," Ian jokes. Mandy smiles and closes the door. Ian walks over and locks it.

"There's no point now," Mickey laughs as he pulls on his boxers.

"Whatever," Ian shrugs.

They shrug their clothes on and leave the bathroom. They pass a couple making out in the hallway just a little outside the bathroom.

"The bathroom is free," Mickey says while they pass. Ian chuckles. They go back downstairs and grab a drink. Mickey ended up forcing Ian to take a shot of a random alcoholic liquid that was sitting there since Ian hadn't locked the door.

"Where the fuck have you two been?" Fiona stumbles to them and yells. She's clearly wasted.

"Happy birthday!" Mickey says in response.

Fiona smiles. "Come play beer pong against Jimmy and I! We've been waiting for you!" She then starts to walk towards where beer pong was being played motioning for them to follow.

"Looks like she's having a good time," Ian says, beginning to move in the direction Fiona had just gone. Mickey nods.

"Where were they?" Jimmy asks when they walk up to the table.

"They were upstairs banging," Fiona says. Both Ian and Mickey's faces get hot.

"Fuck! Let's go!" Ian yells getting rid of the uncomfortable tension that had been left by Fiona's last drunken comment.

"Hey don't drink too much. I don't wanna fucking stay here overnight or lug your ass home at 2 am," Mickey says just before they start.

"Okay. I won't have any more after this game," Mickey smiles. Fiona lands one and Ian chugs the contents of the cup. Mickey just watches his lover with a little smirk on his face.

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