bold and brave

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Summary: Mickey is feeling horny which leads to him being bold, sexually. Takes place in like early season 3.


 Mickey hadn't seen Ian in a long time. Both, but mostly Ian, had been really busy for the past while with various things and hadn't had the time or space to hookup in secret like they do. Mickey also hadn't had any pleasure since the last time he and Ian had hooked up. The reason for that was because whenever he tried to jerk off he just thought of the redheaded boy and that was too gay for him. So he just sat there in the car he had stolen watching the same redheaded boy smoke a cigarette on his steps. Mickey wasn't stalking him, not at all, he was working up the courage to go over and ask him to bang. He finally did and stepped out of the car and walked across the street to the house where Ian was sitting.

"Hey," Mickey says, standing just inside the gate to the Gallagher house.

"Hey," Ian responds and takes another drag from his cigarette.

"Wanna bang?" says Mickey, trying his hardest to be nonchalant. Just talking to Ian gave him that flutter in his lower stomach. "I stole a car, we can use that," Mickey adds pointing to the car he got out of a minute ago.

"There's no one home?" Ian says almost as if it's a question, pointing at his house behind him.

"Sure," Mickey hides his enthusiasm for being able to see Ian's room. It's probably not much seen as they live on the southside of Chicago with not a lot of money but he was weirdly excited.

Ian led him upstairs and into his room where he went and sat on the bed. Mickey just stood in the middle of the room trying not to look back at Ian who was staring at him. Mickey stood there and felt Ian's eyes scanning him up and down and Mickey felt the bulge in his pants grow. He wanted to kiss him, right then and there.

He checked to make sure the door was closed, again, and then muttered, "Come here," to Ian. Ian looked confused but listened and got up and stood in front of Mickey. Mickey stared down and then kissed him, for the first time ever. It was rough and passionate because Mickey wanted him so bad. Mickey had full control and so he stuck his tongue inside Ian's mouth tasting him, and loving it. Ian didn't want to stop afraid it would end so he slipped off his flannel, not stopping from kissing Mickey. Mickey had slipped off his coat and now they both worked at their own belt buckles and jeans. Mickey was the one to pull away from the kiss and fully take his pants, boxers, and t-shirt off. Ian did the same leaving them both naked. Mickey shoved Ian on the bed so that he was lying down and Mickey proceeded to get on top of him and straddle him.

Mickey puts his hand up to his mouth about to sit on it when Ian says, "Wait, here," he reaches for something in the top drawer of his bedside table thing. "I have lube,"

Mickey takes it and looks at it for a second. "Fancy," he says, and puts it on Ian's dick. He sets himself up over Ian's dick and looks at him as if to ask if it was ok to go further. Ian nods and Mickey begins to sit down. He moans slightly with pain but it goes away quickly as he gets used to it. He then sits all the way down and stays there for a sec tightening himself around Ian, the other boy moans and Mickey starts to ride him. Mickey hoped that he was doing a good job because he had never been on top and ridden Ian before. But he kept going, curling his hips into Ian, moving himself up and down.

"Holy shit Mickey!" Ian gets out. Mickey can see that Ian is beginning to orgasm by his face getting red so he starts to move faster. Ian starts to jerk Mickey off as he's still riding him. They both are moving quickly, Ian now pounding up into Mickey, they're both moaning messes. Mickey feels Ian explode into him with one last hip upthrust. Mickey cums immediately after feeling all the pressure release and all his problems disappear momentarily.

"Wow! Thank you!" Ian says breathlessly as Mickey takes Ian out of him and starts to pull back on his boxers.

"Ian what's up?" they hear Lip yell from downstairs.

"Fuck!" Mickey whispers aggressively. Mickey looks around the room quickly for somewhere to hide as he picks up his shit from the floor, Ian hurriedly helps him pointing towards the closet. The footsteps get closer as Mickey quietly pulls the closet door shut leaving no remnants that he was in the room. Ian realizes he's standing in the middle of the room naked. So he quickly puts in headphones, to give the illusion that Ian hadn't heard Lip and then lies down on the bed and thinks back to Mickey riding him and has his erection back immediately.

Lip busts through the door, "Hey Ia- Fuck!" Lip sees and is shocked and takes him a second to cover his eyes. Ian puts his hands over his area. "Shit dude!"

"What?" Ian asks quickly, his face getting red even though he basically brought this on himself.

"You're packing!" Lip responds, loudly. Neither boy heard him but Mickey giggles from inside the closet remembering how he just rode that dick and, judging by Lip's reaction, that his is not as large as his brother's.

Ian doesn't say anything at first and let's the awkward silence fill the air. "Can I finish?" Ian asks awkwardly.

"Yeah sorry," Lip says walking towards the door. "Imma go have a smoke," Lip leaves closing the door behind him.

Ian waits and listens until he hears Lip reach the bottom of the stairs before saying, "Hey! Come blow me before you go, I gotta get rid of this hard-on," Ian says in a loud whisper.

"Do it yourself, asswipe!" Mickey says pulling on his pants, his t-shirt was now on too.

"But you're already here and I don't know when I'll see you again. I'll be fast," Ian pleads and winks with the last sentence.

Mickey couldn't resist and says, "Fuck it,". He goes and gets down on his knees in front of Ian, who's sitting on the edge of the bed, and puts the tip in his mouth and sucks lightly. Ian moans softly. Mickey puts more into his mouth and starts bobbing up and down and in no time Ian's cum fills his mouth and he swallows it.

Ian gets up and pulls on his boxers. "Thanks," he says.

"Yeah, whatever," Mickey now had another erection and was feeling too much of everything and wanted to get out of there.

"Okay, so, Lip will be smoking in the front. I'll go out with him and wait on the back stairs until you hear the door close then slip out through the back," Mickey nodded and they left the room, now that Ian was ready. Outside the door, Ian grabs Mickey by the collar and kisses him quickly then darts off down the stairs.

Mickey smiles and whispers, "Goodbye," even though Ian is no longer there to hear him.

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