vacation day 2 - part 2

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summary: Mickey wins the lottery and the two husbands decide to vacation to an island in the Caribbean. They stay in an airbnb place that's looks over a beach and has a gorgeous view from the balcony.

Some Smut.

The next morning Mickey wakes up early and Ian is still asleep. Not wanting to wake Ian, Mickey slides out of bed and pulls on boxers and goes out to the living room. The view is just as amazing as it was the day before and Mickey marveled at it for a bit before continuing on with what he was going to do. He looked around the kitchen and in the fridge and realized they didn't have anything. No coffee, nothing to eat for breakfast, nothing, the fridge was completely empty.

So Mickey decided he was gonna be a nice husband and make sure Ian woke up to coffee and breakfast, even if it was bought. He pulled on shorts and a t-shirt, took a piss, and went down to the restaurant they ate at the previous night to see if they sold coffee. Thankfully, they did so Mickey bought two and a muffin. He took them back upstairs and to his predictions Ian was awake sitting up in the bed, he smiled a little when he saw Mickey enter the room.

"Waking up without you next to me on the first day of our vacation was not how I imagined it," Ian said in a pouty voice. Mickey flicked his flip flops off and came and sat next to Ian on the bed.

"Well, I realized we didn't have coffee or breakfast so I went down and got some," he handed one of the cups of coffee and the brown bag that had the muffin in it to Ian.

"Thanks," Ian smiled at him.

"Of course," Mickey smiled back, took a sip of his coffee then asked, "What are we gonna do today?"

"Well we need some food and coffee for here. So we'll go to the grocery store in a bit. Then let's hit the beach." Ian said sliding over to sit next to Mickey on the edge of the bed.

"Wanna go now?" Mickey asked as he watched Ian pull on boxers.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna eat my muffin and drink my coffee, then we go," Ian said and stood up, he held his hand out to Mickey. "Come on," Mickey stood up and followed him onto the balcony. They sat together and drank their coffee, admiring the view.

Once they were done they went back inside, Ian got dressed while Mickey took a shit.

"You need to fix your hair. It's sticking out in all fucking directions," Mickey mutters as Ian passes the bathroom.

"Aw, you don't like my new style?" Ian asks with a fake pout, standing in the doorway.

"No you just look too hot with ruffled hair and I can't have other bitches lusting over you," Mickey teases. Ian smiled and wet his hands and ran them through his hair.

"Same goes for you though," Ian added then flicked his wet fingers at Mickey spraying water in his face.

"Aw, fuck you Gallagher!" Mickey responds with a laugh.

"No I fucked you, last night," Ian grins, thinking he's hilarious. Mickey smiles at his dorky grin. "Hurry up I need to pee,"

"Cleaning the bowels out for you, firecrotch," Mickey says as he grabs toilet paper. "Fuck I should've brought my toilet paper this stuff is shit," Ian shakes his head and laughs.

Five minutes or so later they're out the door going down to their rental car. The grocery store was easy, minus Ian thinking they were spending too much money, Mickey disagreed. They got all the essentials. Surprisingly they only fought over one thing other than how much money they were spending, sunscreen. Mickey said they didn't need it but Ian said they really did because they're both white motherfuckers. Thankfully Ian won that argument.

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