Valentine's Day Special

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Zeon: Astolfo was surprisingly the second trap I've ever seen in a anime series. Anyone want to take a guess at the first one I saw

Starting the story

(y/n): I hate mornings the only good thing is it's the weekend. Now what to wear today

End up wearing his Milf shirt, sweatpants, and a pair of crocs

(Y/n): I think I need a little pick me up. What choices do the have was it coffee, energy drinks ......... Why are the hallways so empty for is somebody going to play a prank. They better not mess up my crocs

Walks into the cafeteria and it is empty except for the tumbleweed rolling around

(Y/n): Is that the legendary servent tumbleweed. Nobodies in here guess I'll just help myself. There chocolate all around in here. Somebody didn't clean up after themselves. Sniffs the chocolate It smells kind of funky from the usual maybe a secret recipe

(Y/n): Oh they have a calendar here. What's V-day. *What could V-day mean virgin day maybe. So does that mean it's a special day for me then* But I'm all alone just like my birthday parties so it's not that special

(Y/n): I'm just going to check the fridge maybe there's something to eat in there. Let's see raw salami, a water bottle labeled love nectar. There's some cookies in here probably just eat those about to take a bite

Achilles: I wouldn't do that if I were you

(Y/n): Finally somebody shows up on Virgin Day

Achilles: Virgin Day?

(Y/n): Yeah V-Day equals Virgin Day right?

Achilles: No it stands for Valentine's day

(Y/n): Oh eats a cookie You want one?

Achilles: N-No I'm fine I uh had a little snack before I got here

(Y/n): Your loss ears another one So why is everyone hiding for is that like part of the holiday?

Achilles: No Gilgamesh got drunk last night and added a strong aphrodisiac to the chocolate supply

(Y/n): Aphro what's it

Achilles: It makes people horny

(Y/n): Like their growing horns like the oni we have here

Achilles: Did you not have sex ed

(Y/n): I knew a Edd who had a lot of sex if that counts

Achilles: Well let me tell you in a different way. It makes them want to have sex with anybody the can find in their sight. I already lost Cú she came out of nowhere and dragged him in the chariot poor guy didn't even stand a chance

(Y/n): Well that shouldn't be a problem I'm fast as f*ck boy. At least when I have this jetpack

Achilles: But your not wearing your jetpack

(Y/n): Oh sh*t the one day I decided not to wear my armor. Wait I can just summon it one me ........... It's not working

Achilles: Come over here checks (Y/n) back Somebody casted a hex on you. So you can't change to your armor or get your jetpack and weapons

(Y/n): They must have done it when I was sleeping

Achilles: I'll surprised they didn't jump you then

(Y/n): They probably wanted to jump me when I was awake but I guess they got bored of waiting and left

Achilles: I wonder who it was

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