Chapter 13: A Mando Among Us

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Previously on A Mandalorian In Chaldea

Medb: Let me guess your the master I was warned about. You look a lot more ordinary then I expected

(Y/n): I think she just dissed you

Medb: Your friend in the futuristic looking armor is interesting. Tell you what why don't you leave her and join me on the winning team

(Y/n): That does sound very tempting

Gudako: (Y/n)

(Y/n): Why the hell not. I'll join you for this singularity

Medb: We need to retreat. Their beating Cú!

(Y/n): Go on ahead I'll slow them down

Medb: Your sacrifice will not be forgotten turn around and runs

(Y/n): pulls out his blaster, aims and fires Too easy you people should really not trust someone you just meet a few hours ago. Now then here is the prize for my effort

Gudako: Wait, why did you just kill her?

(Y/n): Isn't it obvious

Gudako: No you betrayed Chaldea

(Y/n): Did I really. You have a brain use it before it becomes rotten

On to the story

(Y/n): Why am I in the middle of nowhere! Not to mention there only sand and it's already getting into my clothes. I can feel it in places were the sun don't shine.

Gudako: Stop complaining and let's solve this singularity.

Mashu: Listen to senpai.

(Y/n): Your really getting on my nerves. But this place could be worse you don't happen to have sarlacc pits on earth do you.

Gudako: Sarlacc whats it?

(Y/n): That's a relief one less thing to worry about killing me in the desert. So how do w-

Man: The Lion King has built a sanctuary for all of us to take refuge.

(Y/n): I think the title Lion King is copyrighted.

Roman: Hey guys I'm in charge for this mission since the director has food poisoning.

The sound of someone throwing up can be heard

Roman: So if they said Lion King it's most likely Richard the Lionheart. So there should also be the crusaders there as well.

(Y/n): You mean those guys that kill people and justify it by saying it's in the name of God.

Roman: Well it was more in the name of the church but close enough.

Man: Of those crusaders you speak of were slain by the king and their soldiers.

Roman: Oh man I really wanted to chat with the Lionheart. So anyways your all on your own for now while I do research on who the Lion King can be.

(Y/n): Your sounding like a customer service representative.

Roman: All of Chaldea's staff was trained by a customer service representative.

(Y/n): And here I thought you were trained by some experienced mages.

Roman: Nope the previous director said it would have been a waste of funds.

Gudako: Enough talking more walking!

(Y/n): Rude couldn't you see the grown ups were talking. You know what just for that your walking while I read my speeder.

(Y/n) summoned a speeder

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